Have some networking issues, not sure about the reason. We are missing some bytes on the high load.
I have introduced some safety into the networking as a first step. I will finish the PR with safety checks, then I will take that bug with high load.
Tomorrow we can do a demo still - our tests prevents bugs in the main branch. We are running benchmarks on CI, hence even the high load can be taken into account
Researched a little about the asset swap between several blockchains. There are some open solutions. Probably we will need to have some changes in the block structure
Polkadot DEX is a target for this research. Iroha can be the issuing blockchain.
I think we made a huge research during the D3 design preparation.
How is Iroha 2 is going to be addressed to the TSC?
Makoto> Critical component here: we can wait until the late August, because there will be changes in peers. We need to attend meetings. Change of language should be covered especially careful. ISI is also important to mention and support. Before we propose to TSC we need to find partners and some community involvement. We can get the external security audit. Until the first stable release, we do not need to have strong support by TSC.
Makoto> As long as we pass the security audit by Nettitude (or other strong auditors) we can use the Iroha in our projects.
Makoto> After releasing Polkaswap and SoraNetwork it can be easier to involve the community
Action items
Vadim ReutskiyOrganize weekly or bi-weekly meetings for the community to explain the Iroha 2 architecture.