Hart Montgomery
- Signature structure and types:
- "Simple" Signatures: KeyGen, Sign, Verify.
- Blind Signatures. KeyGen, Blind, Sign, (Blinded Sign?), Unblind, Verify.
- Threshold Signatures. KeyGen (more complicated), SignShare, Combine, Verify.
- Multi-round threshold signature. Can have extra definition for interactive protocols.
- Can have multiple types of KeyGen.
- Multisignatures. Multiple signers have signed THE SAME message.
- Aggregate signatures. Multiple signers have signed potentially different messages.
- Short group signatures. Need precise definitions.
- How should we handle MPC and communication?
- Secure channel operations. How about ratcheting?
- Example: ECDSA.
- Question about new Zcash curves (Mike).
- A: we haven't read the paper yet.
- Question about BBS+ FFI implementation and API (Mikaela).
- Not going to change the API.
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