

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct

Basic Info

08:00 PM - 09:00 PM, Wednesday, Bi-weekly (GMT+8)

Antitrust Policy Notice

On-duty Chair: david liu


Feel free to add ur name here to attend the meeting.


  1. Team development and Innovation( david liu , sam yuan )

    1. Fabric
      1. 2.5 release branch
        1. purge history of private data
        2. dependency updates done
        3. Expected to be next LTS
      2. v3 development as main branch Smart BFT
      3. smart BFT rfc merged
      4. Zenhub
      5. Workshop from Global Forum https://github.com/hyperledgendary/full-stack-asset-transfer-guide
      6. buildx to support ARM
      7. deprecate built-in chain code builder in favor of a binary builder
    2. Performance and PSWG(sam yuan)

      1. tape support amd64,arm,s390x
      2. Preparing for a PSWG tech blog
    3. 国密(sam yuan,  david liu)
      1. 国密改造任务列表:https://github.com/Hyperledger-TWGC/fabric-gm-wiki/issues/34
      2. 当前方案和PR记录:https://github.com/Hyperledger-TWGC/fabric-gm-wiki/wiki/2022%E5%B9%B43%E6%9C%8818%E5%8F%B7%E4%BC%9A%E8%AE%AE%E7%BA%AA%E8%A6%81
      3. gm-wallet(https://github.com/Hyperledger-TWGC/GMWallet 参考实现,非产品级别的钱包)
      4. https://github.com/flomesh-io 国内厂商的开源服务网格项目
    4. admin sdk(https://github.com/Hyperledger-TWGC/fabric-admin-sdk 周四晚上,中文会)
      1. asked for help
  2. Team i18n and Education ( Yang Cheng )

    1. Call for volunteer
      1. 中文文档翻译和维护:Internationalization
      2. 教学视频录制:Fabric Video Tutorial
    2. Fabric 翻译仓库地址 https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-docs-i18n
      1. 欢迎认领issue https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-docs-i18n/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AzhCN-docs-ongoing
      2. 翻译文档正在逐步开始更新至 v2.2.2
      3. 教学视频当前更新到第12集
      4. Call for v2.5 i18n bump update
    3. Hyperledger-TWGC/Learning-Material
  3. Team Collaboration and Scenarios (Jessie Wang)
    1. Hyperledger Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) election will happen from November 1 to 30, 2022.
    2. Fabric-conformance (david liu ,@keith)
      1. Hyperledger Fabric Conformance.pptx - Google Slides
    3. 9月 开源峰会(深圳) 9月17号下午 》 10月22号下午线上
      1. 中国区Hyperledger区块链技术峰会 线上/线下报名地址 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1czb-Ow_9iWQuJ-2m0iOug
      1. 中国区Hyperledger区块链技术峰会预告 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1czb-Ow_9iWQuJ-2m0iOug
    4. Technical self-lift: 用token 做membership( Yong WanJessie Wanghyperledger-labs/nft-community-footprint (github.com))
      1. Oct 29th, online session
      2. base on k8s
        1. use k8s operator for CI later to build network
      3. call for contributor
        1. meet up world wide
        2. meet up local
    5. 社区
    1. 出圈,增加曝光率,流量思维:直播形式
    2. 圈内吸引人粘度需要有趣
  1. 搬运列表,Jessie Wang
  2. Team Event Organization (J Guo Yang Cheng  )

2022 社区计划:

  • 2.4 、2.5文档翻译;@Yang cheng
  • Fabric Video Tutorial;已经上传3.1
  • 合并TWGC 性能组到 PSWG, 推动 SandBox 项目, 更新"Hyperledger Blockchain Performance Metrics";
  • 国密组,推动SM2, SM3的实现版本或使用 Plugin 方式;
  • 对接国际社区的不同工作组,同步 contributor meeting 到国内,加强国内国际社区的互动;

Cello zhao shihong feng yangYuanmao Zhu Peng Du

    • 国内成员参与国际社区活动(线上分享、meetup);



    • 社区访谈,成员展示;(在讨论中, by sam yuan Dorothy)







