Yang Cheng

Yang Cheng


I am a software engineer of SuperMap, we use Fabric as basic blockchain plantform, and I am also a CHFA holder. I join in TWGC since 2018.12.25 the first I claim a translation task, and become an active member three month later. My mainly contributions are in i18n, I have lead community volunteer finished the 
Chinese translations of Fabric 1.4 documents and  about 70% Fabric 2.0 documents for now. I also organized WeChat communication groups for Hyperledger certificate and Indy.

Recently I organized a TWGC performance work group mainly study and optimize the performance of Fabric, we have published a optimize guidline and we will realize it step by step. 

Why elect me?

I am familiar with the workflow of TWGC and Hyperledger now. And I love open source and blockchain technology, I would like to help Chinese developers solve problems with Fabric and other Hyperledger projects. I will make more effort in i18n and Fabric performance work group in the future, and also community goverment if I could become a co-chair.