Quarterly Report- July 2020
Quarterly Report- July 2020
Assessment of group health
On basic health indicators the group is OK;
- Meetings are taking place as scheduled every two weeks (although one meeting was missed)
- Agendas and notes are kept
- Recordings are linked to the wiki
Attendance at the meetings has settled down through the last quarter to about 15-20, and is now stable and constant.
- Membership of the email list service continues to grow, with 2-3 new joiners each week.
Issues being faced by the group
- Address declining attendance on the calls. This was discussed by attendees on a recent call and a set of actions that are listed below in "planned products"
- The activity is focussed on presentations by group members and guests. We need to decide as a group whether we wish to move beyond this towards the kind of collaborative working that other SIG groups have done. It may be that the make-up of the membership means that this is not feasible.
Summary of activity in the past quarter
- Keynote presentations from We-Trade and Clearmatics
- A run-down of latest news from the world of Trade Finance Blockchain. This provides a good source for future presentations
List of planned work products
A shift in positioning of the group as a "standing conference" with presentations from vendors, tech experts and others on the current state of the market
A pilot to create a first white paper focussing on interoperability
Assessment of participant diversity (consider several factors, including organizational, geographic, gender, and skill level diversity)
- Organizational; most attendees on the calls are from the software industry or consulting
- Geographic; Since daylight saving started, call attendance is from Europe and South Asia. List participation is wider and includes Americas and Asia Pacific
- Gender; Although the make-up is predominantly male, there are female members of the SIG. Active participation is more evenly split.
- Skill level. There is insufficient information to assess skill level. Knowledge levels vary, but in a constructive way as the meetings feature a lot of knowledge sharing.
Any additional information
- to update following the call
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