2022-04-07 Task Force Meeting Notes

Off-TSC Meeting time

19 April @ 10am eastern, then every 4 weeks after Danno Ferrinto setup and send invite

Project Philosophy

  • Integration with public chains
  • Large projects looking to join HLF that are not perfect matches should "grow" the philosophy
    • i.e. lack of perfect fit is not a reason to reject
  • Need Limits
    • Initially stayed away from cryptocurrency,
      • Intent was to allow space for enterprise, Crypto was growing wildly and didn't need focus,
      • Never prevented projects from supporting live crypto networks
  • Web3?  Get In or stay out?
  • Is a CBDC a cryptocurrency? What about the software to run the network?
    • Distinguish between the software and the live network
  • Is the dividing line "blockchain for business"?
  • Interested in permissioned networks
    • These cannot be silos
    • Will integrate with public networks where "value" exists
  • Lots of experts in various diverse parts of the ecosystem
    • Secure execution environments
    • Hardware Cryptography
    • Use-case specific special interest groups
    • These don't always map to project that are being built.
  • Whose needs are we trying to meet?
    • What does "Business" mean?
    • Who are our targeted users?
  • What is "Integration with the public chain?"
    • "Permission chain based DeFi Scenarios"
    • Smart contracts for a financial instrument, such as fractional real estate ownership
    • exchange tokens from public chain into sidechain tokens, back and forth
    • Bridging and sidechains
  • Standardize protocols we are developing
  • Is finance the only use case?
  • Focus on Frameworks rather than applications
  • "Multi-party Systems"
    • What does this mean?
    • What enables people to engage with their business partners?
    • Could help write domain or problem statement

Project Areas

  • Integrating with permissioned chains as sidechains to public chains
  • Tracing what happens on a blockchain network across the entire network
  • Tooling around different L1 DLTs
    • Expand Monitoring
    • Automation
    • For all projects, not just a single DLT
    • Deployment
  • Collection of Token Implementations
    • Fungible
    • Non-Fungible
    • Implement IWA Token Taxonomy Framework for our different DLTs
  • Common Consensus Interface
    • Implement modular consensus algorithms
  • Self organizing namespaces
    • Possessing verifiable information allows you to share in the namespace
  • Use DLT to make decentralized development more self organizing
    • Github/Gitlab but on a blockchain
    • Data Availability at scale
  • Decentralized Identity
    • Edge agent for DID
    • Individual identity wallet
    • Decentralized Cryptography, P2P sharing
  • Enterprise Wallets
    • Verifiable Credentials
    • Tokens (FT and NFT)
    • Any other blockchain data that can be "Owned"
    • Multi-Party Compute Wallet
  • Enterprise Tools Integration
    • Kafka/data streams
    • Authentication
    • Database
    • Extract Transform Load Pipelines
  • Key Management across blockchains
    • Common Integration point
    • Part of the wallet story?

Next Meeting

  • Synthesize Themes in philosophy and project
  • Enumerate sigs, labs and Graduate/Incubating projects into the areas
  • Do we need to publicize existing capabilities?