2022 HY1 Media and Entertainment

February - June 2022

Bi-Annual Report

Q1 & Q2 Overview Summary 


MESIG is focused on applying Hyperledger (DLTs) to media and entertainment-specific scenarios. The topics covered include decentralized metadata, digital distribution, copyright protection, royalty payments, value chains, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), tokenized content, counterfeit reduction, registered digital ownership, metaverse, and Web 3.0 that will lead to real-world solutions for motion picture & television directors, authors, audiovisual influencers, photographic publishers, gamers, music creators, and artists.

MESIG progress Summary

In order to simplify navigation for users, the WIKI page was designed with a Tree on the left margin, general information, and shortcut links on the right margin.

Media & Entertainment SIG Subgroups:


Monthly Meetings

The MESIG was relaunched on February 28, 2022.  Brett Russell & Randy Givens were introduced as the new Chairpersons. 

Monthly meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Monday of each month @  9 am PST & 12 pm CEST.

Gaming Subgroup Lead: Sandy Aggarwal presented for the February  Biweekly meeting: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/2022-02-26+Biweekly+Meeting+-+Gaming+Subgroup 

Gaming Subgroup Presentation: Is Blockchain Tech Ready for Gaming Yet? Guest Presenter: Rafael Brown, CEO & Co-Founder at Symbol Zero // Microsoft Regional Director 

When:  Thursday, Feb 10, 2022, at 1 PM Eastern (UTC -5)

Watch:  YouTube video hosted by the Hyperledger Foundation https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/Is+Blockchain+Tech+Ready+for+Gaming+Yet  

Date & Time: March 28, 2022

Agenda Topic Discussions:  There were no changes to our agenda.

Updates: upcoming presentations.

Fighting Fake News with Blockchain - April 4, 2022, Monday, 6:30 AM Pacific / 3:30 https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/Upcoming+Presentations+-Publishing

PM CEST Click on this link to learn more about our presenter. https://www.ey.com/en_us/people/giuseppe-perrone

Past Presentation: Using NFT for Decentralized Music Production,  Monday, March 14, 2022

Watch:  YouTube video hosted by the Hyperledger Foundation https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/NFTs+For+Decentralized+Music+Production  Presenters: Jonas Bergvall, Mats Wester, Hugo Briand

Sandy Aggarwal, the Gaming Subgroup Lead, entered a request submission for the  Mentorship Program. Request Submitted: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/x/9S1PAQ

Unfortunately, The Gaming Subgroup submission for the Mentorship Program was not approved for this year.


Date & Time: April 25, 2022

Agenda Topic Discussions:  There were no changes to our agenda.

Talking The Future of NFT and Film with Jordan Bayne, an award-winning filmmaker, and actor is postponed until further notice. https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/MESIG/Upcoming+Presentations+-Film_Television  Click on the link below to learn more about our presenter.


We welcome Kyle Smith as our MESIG Music Subgroup lead.

Kyle is a certified legal engineer by LexDAO. He is the Director of LexDAO clinic, a guild of over 100 crypto lawyers.  Having worked in corporate music publishing, Kyle's legal engineering interests are based on the challenges of informational due diligence in the area of supply chain provenance. His research conducted in that field led to a patent for his "hierarchical script database.". He knows that full-stack enterprise-grade solutions for the entire Web3 music industry are on their way, with both private and public layers. With that in mind, Kyle sees Hyperledger as having a bright future in Web3 music.  Kyle is looking forward to leading the Music subgroup of the Hyperledger Media & Entertainment special interest group in creating a cross-pollination between private and public blockchains, furthering his passion for technology/blockchain-based musical rights management.

Working with Kyle as our MESIG Music Subgroup lead will be a pleasure.


Date & Time: May 23, 2022

Agenda Topic Discussions:  There were no changes to our agenda.

Michael Parenti to be presenting in the near future, TBA.

Learn more about our presenters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Parenti

Special Report:  Music Lead Kyle Smith shared highlights about the Nashville Music Biz conference https://musicbiz.org/events/music-biz-annual-conference/

Resource Links:   https://ddex.net/    https://themmf.net/

Date & Time: June 20, 2022

Agenda Topic Discussions:  There were no changes to our agenda.

Hyperledger MESIG Membership page https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/MESIG+New+Member+Center

 Issues and Challenges

While our monthly meetings are engaging, we struggle to increase member attendance.  We had excellent presentation attendance.     

MESIG Upcoming Presentations

upcoming presentations

          Check out our Summer Events: upcoming Presentations -MESIG - Media and Entertainment SIG - Hyperledger Foundation

Presenter: Matt Zarracina, CEO True Tickets - August 11, 2022, Thursday 9:00 AM Pacific / 12:00 PM CEST https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/Upcoming+Presentations+-MESIG

Click on https://true-tickets.com/ to learn more about our presenter.


MESIG Projects Under Development: 

An NFT panel discussion that will attentively focus on digital rights for games and music.

TBA, more information coming soon.

MESIG Subgroup Project Updates:

Gaming Subgroup Lead Contributor: Sandy Aggarwal

This information is provided by The Gaming Subgroup:  

Project Lab

Approved → GitHub - hyperledger-labs/HyperFabGames

  • Code migration was deferred due to resource constraints. Will start again in early July.
  • MESIG Gaming Subgroup is working on a research paper for blockchain gaming illustrating best practices and architectural patterns for game prototypes. They are collaborating with Firefly Team, as well as their parent company, https://www.curvegrid.com/, on various other projects as well. The Gaming Subgroup is also planning a Metaverse panel discussion with Morgan State University staff or students.
  • Research Paper Projects Discussion
  • Part 1: Intro to Blockchain Gaming
    • Work in progress on various sections
    • Tokenomics of selected games - work in progress by Maria
    • NFT analysis - work in progress by Kris
    • Tech stacks on selected games - work in progress by Sandy
  • Part 2: Deep dive into use cases
    • Draft to be started once part 1 of paper is completed
    • Discuss potential use cases for research
      • Micro-transactions and where to store transactional data (striking a balance between on-chain & off-chain)
      • Game engine versus game state data
      • Use of DAO (if and where applicable)
      • Definition of game assets as NFTs (deep dive into current standards such as ERC 721 vs ERC 1155)
      • Game Economy (Deep dive into use of Stablecoins instead of speculative coins)
      • Use of SSI for cross-game and Direct to Avatar plays
    • Discussion held with NEFERTI project team to collaborate with gaming lab
    • Discussion held with Firefly team to start collaboration in the gaming project (Game project will use Firefly for blockchain tooling)
  • Part 3: Defining best practices, standards, and design patterns
    • Draft to be started once part 1 is fully drafted and under review
    • Meeting held with Polygon (MATIC) team for open source collaboration.
    • Meeting held with Open Meta team for collaboration on their SDK. Please join team Discord here.
    • Meeting held with Curvegrid management for a demo of their blockchain tools (MultiBaas)

MESIG-Gaming: Develop a Prototype Game - Media and Entertainment SIG - Hyperledger Foundation

Current Projects: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/Projects

Gaming Subgroup Projects Under Development:

MESIG Gaming Subgroup is collaborating with Morgan State University, FinTech Center, and other Hyperledger SIGs communities on a series of workshops.  More information to come. TBA

Participant Diversity

Members were encouraged to add topic discussions to the monthly meeting agenda.  New attendees are always welcome. All Hyperledger meetings are covered by the following Antitrust Policy and the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.


Additional Informational:

Other news or events:

Stay in touch on Discord Messaging Chat  To join/register, click here https://discord.gg/hyperledger

Discord Messaging Chat is available to all group members: https://discord.gg/hyperledger  Members are welcome to follow the MESIG channel and subgroups.


Report Author(s): Randy Givens & Brett Russell

Date Published: 07/15/22