Email List The Giving Chain 2021

Email List The Giving Chain 2021

To Do

Send out Welcome Email

Hardik Gupta

Send to Social Media and Hyperledger Forums and chatsBobbi and Hardik Gupta
Keep track of survey results to discuss next LMDWG call Hardik Gupta
Work on website resources.Bobbi
work on template for presentation and start work on welcome  session. Hardik


Name Email
Bobbi MuscaraBobbi@LedgerAcademy.com

Jim Sullivanjim@arcisphere.com

Hardik Guptahardikgupta068@gmail.com

Rajesh Singhrajesh.austin06@gmail.com

Karan Vermakaranvrm19@gmail.com

Virinchi Recharladigiviri@gmail.com

Yashwanth Ayashwanth.geek@gmail.com

K Sanjay Kumarksanjay99kumar@gmail.com

Tushar Agrawaltusharagrawal3011@gmail.com

Devrata PuriDevratapuri@gmail.com

Divyansh Gargdivyanshgh2@gmail.com

Aarav Varshney


Inam Khaninamkh0001@gmail.com

Kaushambi Sharmasharma.kaushambi@gmail.com

Sunanda Vempativempati.saisunanda@gmail.com

Archana Anigam_archana@yahoo.co.in

Madhu bhatiabhatia.madhu23@gmail.com

Wentao Liucscmucmm@aliyun.com

Prastik Gyawaligprastik@gmail.com

Gaurav Maheshwari


Milind Sonisoni.mil2001@gmail.com

PRANALI SHINDEpranaaa28@gmail.com

Vaani Rawatvaani.rawatt@gmail.com

Jack Leungchikitleung.cs@gmail.com

Herbert Fernandez Tamayohftamayo@gmail.com

Sparsh Kesarisparshkesari98@gmail.com

Raymond Chikeinfo@freshanalyst.com

Walter Oswaldo Pleitezwalterpleitez.niu@gmail.com

Yashwanth Ambatiyashwanthambati008@gmail.com

Scott Schneidersrsgroup25@gmail.com

Lindsley Medlinlmedlin@njblockchain.io

Jennifer Yuanjennyuan18@gmail.com

Houri Ramohouriramo@gmail.com

Ron Keeganrkeegan1@comcast.com

Cydel Girandelgiraudelc@hotmail.com

Hemal Panjihemalpanji@yahoo.com

Gary Teekahgteekah@opxconsultingservices.com

Padm. Pparbe@hotmail.com

Sasa Pesicspesic@asu.edu



Richardr @ uar.biz




Rashmi Kk.rashmij@gmail.com

Andrew W.andrewfloydwright@gmail.com

Hailee Turpin


Mark R. Yeunmark.r.yuen@gmail.com

Jim Masonjmason900@yahoo.com

Sid Parksiddharth.parakh@gmail.com

Sara Garifullinagarifullina@soramitsu.co.jp

Colin Pintopintocolin@gmail.com

Suyog Navarkarnavarkarsuyog@gmail.com

Anuj Kumaranuj@eknous.com

Ravi Sarkarravi.sarkar1@gmail.com

Philip Thomasphilip.thomas009@yahoo.com

Kelly Cooper


Satyajit Deshmukhsatyajit.deshmukh007@gmail.com

Ravi Vasravinayag@gmail.com

Padm Sambhavsambhava31bbs@gmail.com

Saptarshi Choudhurysaptarshi@paramountsoft.net

Madeline Murraymadeline.murray@consensys.net

Idowu Akindeidowuakinde@yahoo.com

Nathalie C. Chan King Choynathalie-ckc@kestrel-omnitech.com

Bariscan Gungorbariscan.gungor@originium.com

Vipin Bharathanvip@dlt.nyc

Aneena Ann Alexanderaneena.aa@saintgits.org


Joe Nyirendajoe@techedtraining.com

Elisabeth Greenelizabeththegreen@gmail.com


A demo survey.

Welcome To The Giving Chain, A Social Impact Blockchain Project email

Hello I am Bobbi Muscara and welcome to the Giving Chain Project. As most of you know the giving chain project was a grass roots effort in the summer of 2019.  This year it was accepted in the Hyperledger Mentorship program where with the help of everyone reading this email we can take our proof of concept into a minimal viable product that has the potential to change the world. Let me introduce you to the team, Myself, Jim Sullivan, and the mentee for the project Hardik Gupta.  I was lucky enough to be one of the people involved in the Proof of Concept for the Giving Chain and I will be acting as Mentor/Project Manager. Next is my associate Jim Sullivan who is a technical expertise in the Hyperledger community will be acting as Mentor/Technical Lead. Last but not least Hardik Gupta, Mentee / Project Manager and Technical  Lead.

Hello, I hope this reaches you in the best of your health.
My name is Hardik Gupta. I welcome you once again. As you are aware, that I have been selected as a Mentee, Project Manager, and Technical Lead for The Giving Chain, I would like to invite you to be a part of this journey. I'm dedicated to this project and am truly looking forward to working on it with all of you. I believe that The Giving Chain has the potential of changing the lives of many individuals and motivating both the donors and the recipients. It will not only make a huge impact on society but also bring transparency to the rigged system that has been misused or altered for one's personal needs or gains. 

Please take a moment out of your day and fill out a brief survey to determine best time for our meetings.

Thank You, hoping for you to be a part of this beautiful journey!

Bobbi and Hardik


Want to be a part of something worthwhile this summer . See if the Giving Chain Social Impact project is right for you.