Azure For HyperHack 2020


This document describes the steps to be followed to create free Azure account with $200 credit and leverage Azure Marketplace template for setting up Hyperledger Fabric network on Kubernetes.

Account creation steps

  1. Use your live or outlook or any email account to login into Azure. In case, you do not have one then you can create a mail id here 
  2. Click on start as show below for Start with Azure free trail
  3. You will be redirected to new page as shown below and will be prompted to fill in credit card details. Note: Your card will be charged INR 2/- to validate and this will be reversed.
  4. After validation, you will be prompted to agree to terms and conditions. Select the check box I agree to subscription agreement and click on Sign up.
  5. Now you will be re-directed to Azure portal and you should be able to see Free Trial subscription enabled as shown below.

Setting up Hyperledger Fabric Network on Azure

Refer Azure Marketplace template for Hyperledger Fabric on Azure Kubernetes Service documentation on Azure for detailed steps on:

  1. Creating Ordering Service
  2. Creating Peer Org
  3. Using startup script to create consortium, create channel and validate end to end flow
  4. Using script to install your custom chaincode

You can refer the detailed doc with steps here