Meeting Notes for 6/17/2019

  • Welcome (Mark)
  • Demos
    • Track & Trace Application (Davey & Darian)
      • Darian described the steps being taken to integrate Track & Trace with Grid components (such as Pike & the Grid Schema). Later in the discussion, Darian also described Pike and Sabre to the attendees
        • For folks interested in how contracts are set-up, examples are provided in the docs.
      • Davey demonstrated the current Asset Track application UI, and underlying code (in response to questions about the data).
      • It was discussed that you could apply custom field changes to the schema and that there is no limit to the number of properties that could be added to the schema.
      • There was feedback that current use of the schema name as the unique identifier may be too limited, and a different approach should be taken in the future.
      • It was discussed that even though the Track & Trace app doesn't currently have a dependency with Grid Product, it's possible to create one in the future (such as adding the GTIN).
  • Updates
    • Multi-Project Kanban Board on Hyperledger JIRA (Mark)
      • The board (and the process for using the board) was reviewed with attendees. This included the addition of the “Help Wanted” quick filter that filters stories that have been labeled as help wanted.
      • Discussed how the GS1 GTIN standard is planned to be used in Grid systems. GS1 is working with Grid directly on this effort. The initial focus is a core set of data attributes, from there patterns will be defined through the process.
      • Product transformation isn’t currently being worked on, but could be considered as a roadmap item.
      • It was asked if there was work on the boards pertaining to substrate parity. There currently is not, but this would be a great opportunity for contribution.
      • There will be “help wanted” Grid stories created for contributors who are interested in working on them.
    • RFC Update (Shawn)
      • Update that PR #11 and #12 are expected to complete this week. Link to Grid RFCs is here.
  • Open Forum
    • Dan introduced Eduardo Cabre and Tom Dodson from an Intel team working on an internal Ethereum-based blockchain used for supply-chain traceability. They are looking to extend their system to be usable by distributors and clients, and may benefit from involvement in Grid.