We’re launching a Besu community merch design competition, a chance for contributors to showcase their creativity and bring Besu to life beyond code. Submit your Besu t-shirt design between February 27 and March 17 for a chance to have your work featured as limited-edition merch in the LF Decentralized Trust store. Check out the design template and details for how to submit a Besu shirt design.
Code & Projects
Noteworthy Pull Requests
The National FinTech Center was established at Morgan State University in 2018 as a visionary initiative aimed at bridging the digital divide and fostering innovation in financial technology among HBCUs. LFDT has been collaborating with the National FinTech Center for years to support their blockchain education efforts to support their students and faculty. To learn more, check out a blog post about Morgan State University’s efforts and watch recordings of previous Morgan State seminars and workshops.
Articles, Training & Tutorials
There are a number of online meetups scheduled for March. If any of these discussions look interesting, please join us and click on the link to sign up.
Tuesday, March 4 at 16:00 UTC / 8:00 PST: LFDT Madrid hosts "Deploying Besu With Privacy Enabled On The Cloud Using Hyperledger Bevel"
Thursday, March 6 at 17:00 UTC / 18:00 CET: LFDT Hungary hosts "Was ist neu in Hyperledger Fabric v3.0"
Saturday, March 8 at 4:30 UTC / 10AM IST: LFDT India Chapter hosts "Women In Blockchain 2025"
Tuesday, March 11 at 20:00 UTC / 13:00 PDT: LFDT San Francisco hosts “Integrating Fabric Private Chaincode with Hyperledger CC-Tools“
Wednesday, March 12 at 15:00 UTC / 8:00 PDT: LFDT San Francisco hosts “VS Code Debugger Plugin for Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode“
Wednesday, March 19 at 16:00 UTC / 9:00 PDT: LFDT Portugal hosts "Blockchain Interoperability: Enhancing Organizational Interoperability in Hyperledger Cacti"
Thursday, March 20 at 17:00 UTC / 10:00 PDT: LFDT Hungary hosts "ZK Learning Group: Polynomial Commitments"
Tuesday, March 25 at 16:00 UTC / 9:00 PDT: LFDT San Francisco hosts: Next-Gen Digital Credentials: AnonCreds v2, Powered By BBS Signatures
Monday, March 31 at 16:00 UTC / 9:00 PDT: LFDT San Francisco hosts "Solang X Stellar: Compile and Deploy Solidity Contracts on Soroban"
You can find more project calls and other events listed on the community calendar.
This newsletter is sent out to hundreds of LF Decentralized Trust developers. It is a collaborative effort. If you have a project release, pull request, community event, and/or relevant article you would like highlighted next week, please leave a comment for consideration.