
Hyperledger Iroha
  • V1.2 release candidate now available. Features include: 
    • Hyperledger Ursa integration – connect new cryptography 
    • Solidity smart-contracts support via EVM by Hyperledger

Hyperledger Caliper
  • v0.3.2 patch was released addressing Hyperledger Fabric v2 support.
    Features include:
    • Generator promoted to release cycle #843 (shout out to @Lynn14m
      for the contribution)
    • Removal of docker dependency for build FISCO BCOS contract
      compilation #861 (shout of to @Gnnng for the contribution),
      meaning you can compile contracts on remote environment
    • Unbind command for the Hyperledger Caliper CLI #86
    • 1.4.8 binding for the Hyperledger Fabric adaptor (SDK) #866

Hyperledger Besu
  • New maintainer: shout out and welcome to David Mechler (@davemec)
Hyperledger University Course - Implementation of a simple blockchain
with focus on understandability
Hyperledger Ursa
Hyperledger Umbra

The Principles of User Sovereignty Dave Huseby, Hyperledger Security
Using Private Data Collections in Hyperledger Fabric, Chris Gabriel,
Hyperchain Labs, Fabric maintainer

Hyperledger Fabric for Developers Course
Master your skills in Hyperledger Fabric chaincode and application
development. Before enrolling, you should have an understanding of
blockchain technologies, as well as knowledge of Docker fundamentals
and some experience with GoLang and Node.js. Cost is $299. Enroll.

Hyperledger Indy Interop-athon - Making "Networks of Networks" Real

A two-day virtual event to define the work needed in Hyperledger
Indy and Aries to make a "network of networks" a reality for Indy
DID Utility instances. Register.

All are welcome to join these public project calls: 

  [Cello] Cello Weekly Meeting

  [Cactus] Cactus Maintainers

  [Fabric] Fabric samples workgroup

  [Aries] Aries WG A Call
  [Aries] Aries WG B Call
  [Iroha] HL Iroha Bi-Weekly Community Meeting
  [Caliper] Caliper Contributors Meeting

  [Cactus] Cactus Contributors Eastern Hemisphere
  [Avalon] Avalon Developers Forum

  [Fabric] Documentation Workgroup call - Eastern hemisphere
  [Fabric] Documentation Workgroup call - Western hemisphere
  [Aries] Aries JavaScript Meeting (Weekly)

You can find more Hyperledger calls and other events listed on the
community calendar. If you were forwarded this email and would like
to subscribe weekly, you can do so here.