[Tutorial] Setting up a Hyperledger Fabric infrastructure using CAs
Hyperledger Fabric is one of the biggest projects in the Hyperledger ecosystem. It is also the platform most used to implement private blockchain-based solutions due to its scalability, the management of the identities, the privacy mechanisms, etc.
When you're starting with this platform, the first steps could be probably to use their native tools to generate the identity of all the components like the cryptogen tools. However, when a production environment is the main requirement, it's highly recommended to go one step further.
Furthermore, identity management in Hyperledger Fabric is implemented according to the x509 standard used in Public Key Infrastructure. This feature, implemented by the first time in the blockchain ecosystem, is really useful because it could be integrated with existing PKI systems in the organizations.
With this tutorial, you'll be able to set up a Hyperledger Fabric infrastructure from scratch using Certificate Authorities and to create a blockchain platform ready to go to production environments.
The full tutorial can be found at https://medium.com/@_mtnieto/how-to-set-up-a-hyperledger-fabric-infrastructure-using-certificate-authorities-a00a6f01b35e