A Model-Driven Approach to Establishment of Private Blockchain Business Networks
In this research, we aim to resolve challenges related to custom BN modeling, development, and disposition to cloud execution platforms. Accordingly, the first goal of this research is to introduce a model-driven approach in order to address: (i) the BN modeling challenges, by providing a DSL as a formal modeling technique; and (ii) the development and disposition challenges, by using the BN DSL specification for generating all the required BN code constructs, so it can be deployed to the target cloud execution environment. By doing this, we first want to increase the abstraction level of specifying a custom BN, in order to enable various blockchain domain experts to develop their BNs even they are not familiar with concrete PBC development frameworks. In this way, we also want to eliminate protentional errors caused by the need for specifying repetitive configuration parameters and boilerplate code constructs. Second, our goal is to ease the process of custom BN specification and development in practice, make it less dependent from the specific CVs or development teams and therefore less time-consuming. Third, we want to decrease the development and testing costs in order to enable various individuals and organizations to dispose their custom BNs to cloud execution platforms without the need for using expensive BCaaS. We also consider this as a big step towards expanding the PBC development community, while at the same time enabling great ideas and projects to reach the production readiness more quickly.