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Name of Use CaseBuilding Energy Efficiency

What is the Solution You're Proposing?

Implement energy efficiency measures in commercial buildings, including replacing existing lighting with LEDs, upgrading HVAC controls, installing thermo efficient windows and insulation.

How Do We Verify Emissions Impact 

We can build a model of the building's energy usage from historical meter and weather data.  Then we can calculate the amount of energy savings versus the model baseline.  Finally we can calculate the amount of emissions reduction based on the energy savings and the GHG emissions intensity of the energy consumed.

What Transactions Happen on the Emissions Impact? 

A cap and trade scheme should be set up to direct payments from buildings with high emissions to buildings which have reduced their emissions.  The target emissions levels could be reduced each year to align with Paris Agreement goals.
Who are the Potential Users?Building owners and managers.
What Options Exist Now?Some utilities run energy efficiency programs which offer incentives for buildings to reduce energy consumption, as well as Demand Response programs.

What are the Issues with these Options? 

Not all utilities offer these programs, nor are they offered to all customers.  When they are available, the incentives are based on prescribed programs rather than actual energy and emissions reduction.  Finally, administration of these programs is complex, time consuming, and costly.

What Help Do You Need to Implement this Solution? 

Technical help setting up the measuring and monitoring of emissions, trading of emissions.  First we will need a POC.  Then we will need to deploy to production in different cities.