2019-10-15 Contributor Call
2019-10-15 Contributor Call
Antitrust notice - https://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy/
General Announcements
- Reviewed Devcon / etc summit presence
- promoted forum in March
Release updates
- 1.3 released
- 1.3.1 this week
- Arash says it will be an interim release for bugs.
Work Updates
- Ethereum Classic Support (Greg)
- Greg was not on the call
- Adrian talked about their fork in the chainsafeth org
- They appear to be working on a fork, Adrian would prefer to have smaller PRs
Q from Cam asking for machine specs on clique nodes,
- Madeline will forward info to cam
- Cam wanted to know if we had AWS minimums - https://besu.hyperledger.org/en/stable/HowTo/Get-Started/System-Requirements/
Other Business
- New Maintainer Proposal - Ivaylo (Voting closes 18 Oct, Lucas)
- significant contributions to the privacy code
- Discussed two week window and how it helps provide at least one call to discuss the new maintainer.
- Active Status (Grace?)
- 111 external contributions outside of PegaSys (6 week old number)
- No TSC meeting this thursday, we will go next thursday or the week after depending on agenda.
- TSC is already reviewing, has some comments already.
- Discussion on Ethereum Foundation Grid integration (Felipe)
- github.com/ethereum/grid
- desktop software with one click interfae to choose client and download and install it.
- There is a dev use case potential for local nodes.
- Started as pantheon integration, went to besu integrations later
- Artemis not integrated, we may want to start (out of scope, not a besu)
- Perhaps they should demo in the next meeting. (Danno/Felipe)
- This is not Hyperledger Grid, different project.
Open Forum
- Call for open questions. No takers.
Future Topics
- Request for presentation topics
- Ethereum Grid.
- To make a requet add a comment to the wiki for a future agenda page or edit the future agenda