2024-09-03 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Users Group Community Meeting
2024-09-03 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Users Group Community Meeting
- Status Update Proposal: Apply to Move ACA-Py to OWF
- What to do about the Deprecation Messages?
- Adding did:tdw support into ACA-Py
- Open Discussion
Call Time: 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/98856745538?pwd=VkJROWRxeW43d3hOdnJLemwrS0JKUT09
Recordings From the Call:
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Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
- Stephen Curran (BC Gov/Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
- Daniel Bluhm (Indicio PBC) <daniel@indicio.tech>
- ACA-Py documentation: https://aca-py.org
- ACA-Py Plugins: https://plugins.aca-py.org
- Status Update Proposal: Apply to Move ACA-Py to OWF – Draft Proposals for OWF
- What to do about the Deprecation Messages?
- Adding did:tdw support into ACA-Py: Design notes from Daniel Bluhm
- Open PRs
- Open Issues:
- Other hot issues.
- Open Discussion