2021-10-19 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Users Group Community Meeting
2021-10-19 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Users Group Community Meeting
Planned Topics:
- Review of PRs for 0.7.2 Final -- anything to be added?
- Creating Aries Mediator Service repo (aries-mediator-service) - dependent on ACA-Py?
- Creating Indy Endorser Server repo (indy-endorser-service)
- ACA-Py support for Indy Multi-Ledger
- AMA (as time permits)
Recording from the call: dummyfile.txt
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Welcome and Introductions
- Ian Costanzo (BC Gov/contractor) <iancostanzo@gmail.com>
- Dave McKay dave@nothernblock.io
- James Ebert <james.ebert@indicio.tech>an
- Bruno Hivert (https://idlab.org) bruno.hivert@idlab.org
- Burak Can Kus (DataGateway Japan) <burak.can.kus@datagateway.co.jp>
- Tõnu Samuel (NSA)
- Timo Glastra (Animo Solutions) <timo@animo.id>
Deployments and Work Updates
- BC Gov Team
- Aries-VCR/OrgBook BC Deployment
- In progress: a multi-tenant OrgBook Issuer
- Issuer Kit - VCs for OIDC Issuer Service
- Verification Tutorial – multi-purpose verifier aimed at the general population receiving their first verifiable credential
- Aries Agent Test Harness work - Results page: https://aries-interop.info
- BPA - Business Partner Agent for B2B use of VCs
- AIP 2.0
- Aries Shared Components – indy-vdr, indy-shared-rs and aries-askar
- Aries-VCR/OrgBook BC Deployment
- Ready to tag 0.7.2?
- PRs merged since 0.7.2RC0
- Open PRs – which are needed before 0.7.2? Perhaps 1446, 1433, 1430
- Discussion and plan: Creating a new "aries-mediator-service" repo Ian Costanzo James Ebert
- Background: Proposal on Aries channel: https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/aries?msg=AoJWWBfs6z3KYyzK3
- Follow up – best plan seems to be to use ACA-Py as a dependency, as is done here: https://github.com/Indicio-tech/infra-mediator
- What needs to be done in ACA-Py to make this work. Hint: persistent queues.
- Discussion and plan: Creating a new "indy-endorser-service" repo - Ian Costanzo
- Background – same as above, but for Indy transaction endorsing
- Status of ACA-Py Indy Multi-ledger support - Shaanjot Gill
- Questions – AMA
Next Meeting
Future Topics
- Double Signature with eIDAS?
- Background: https://www.slideshare.net/FIDOAlliance/introduction-to-fido-and-eidas-services
- SICPA - For the eSSIF program, with json-ld credential we are adding double signature, the normal + eIDAS
- Double signature in ACA-Py with pluggable mechanism, and implementation for eIDAS
- Performance with Shared Components enabled (Aries Askar et al.)