Linux Foundation meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal, or foreign antitrust and competition laws.

Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at . If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.

Weekly meeting



LFDT India: Agenda

  • CREDEBL - Meetup : Ankita patidar , Ajay | April 3rd week Ankita Patidar - online/ offline both


  • LFDT India Student Society - A Anasuya Threse Innocent

    • Pimpri college, Pune & Hindustan University, Chennai will be joining soon

    • need more volunteers

  • Blockchain Project Presentation Competition - LFDT India Student Society in association with Saintgits College of Engineering | March 2025

    • updates from Anasuya | Registration form here

    • promote more registrations -

    • decide juries

    • Blockchain Project Presentation - A Anasuya Threse Innocent

      • Mail to all registered groups

      • Update in WiKi

  • David also pointed that less people are joining - now technology is mature and people is now join if they are getting some outcome.

  • Discussed with Julina/David - about publishing white paper | Community interested take ownership

  • Journals(Yearly) : asking other people to write on project . technical - X

  • LFDT India newsletter monthly - Updates what

    happening in India on Blockchain and LFDT projects. |

Event Planning

Meetup : Credebl , April last week, Ankita Patidar @ankit

India e-book launch event(4th week of April) - Membersummit | keynote, fireside chat with leads and 2-3 panels with members.

  • Blockchain Innovate( Decentralized AI and Tokenization ) : ? Hyderabad -NPCI | June kamlesh nagware kartikey.dav100 - 25th march Kamlesh visit !

  • Blockchain Stories ( Mid year) : Online - Sep or Oct Ankita Patidar

  • Blockchain Techfest - Dec(India Blockchain week) - Offline @all | Crowdfunding platform

  • LFDT Hackathon - Apr- June!! Start planning , IIIT Hyderabd | Garima Singh kartikey.dav100

  • LFDT Roadshow in 5 cities - STPI Garima Singh/Julian

Last weeks

LFDT India Chapter

Welcome to the Hyperledger India Chapter mailing list.  This group is responsible for growing the Hyperledger community in India, promoting contributions to Hyperledger projects and providing a platform for collaboration, mentoring and support. The chapter aims to showcase the broad range of Hyperledger projects and initiatives to the Indian audience.  More about the group and how to take part in the group's activities can be found at:



A Anasuya Threse Innocent

 Ankita Patidar @


kamlesh nagware


Ritu Jain @rit

Garima Singh

Vikram Sharma

Navya T @nav

New Joinee