We are going to have two tracks to the conference:

For both tracks, we need experts/facilitators on the topics to lead the sessions and we welcome volunteers for each session. For the primary track sessions, you’ll be stuck with me (Stephen Curran) as the default facilitator, but I’ll be more than happy to let others lead sessions they are interested in--please let me know. For the secondary tracks, there must be a volunteer to lead each session.

Please see the "Roles and Rules" section below for guidelines on participating in a session.

Primary Track:

CET TimeEDT Start Time
and Length
TopicFacilitator(s)/PresenterZoom ManagerNotesRecordings
Day 1 - September 1, 2020 - Primary Track
13:00 - 13:407:00 (40)Introduction and Welcome (Main Space)N/AN/A
13:45 - 14:557:45 (70)

One Indy DID Method to Rule Them All 

Juan Caballero (DIF/Spherity GmbH)
15:00 - 16:009:00 (60)

Finding Indy Network Metadata — genesis files, governance framework, etc.

Kumaravel N
16:00 - 16:3010:00 (30)Break / Networking

16:30 - 17:1010:30 (40)

Indy DID and Ledger Object Data References – credential, proof, etc.

Tomislav MarkovskiVictor GolubkovNotes Document
17:15 - 17:5511:15 (40)Where Are We Now and What's Next?Nathan GeorgeVictor Golubkov20200901 IIO Who is going to make what changes? - video

20200901 IIO Who is going to make what changes? - Chat
18:00 - 19:0012:00 (60)Daily Wrap Up - Report from SessionsVictor Golubkov<Help Wanted>

Day 2 - September 2, 2020 - Primary Track

13:00 - 13:257:00 (25)Day 2 Introduction and Welcome@Stephen Curran<Help Wanted>

13:30 - 14:057:30 (35)

Storing Indy DID and Ledger Object References – Aries storage, Indy wallet

<Help Wanted>Notes Document
14:10 - 14:258:10 (15)DDNR Scheme for Network ResolutionKapil Singh<Help Wanted>Notes Document
14:25 - 14:558:25 (30)Testing Indy Ledger InteroperabilityKeith Smith<Help Wanted>Notes Document
15:00 - 16:009:00 (60)Decisions: What are we going to do?Stephen Curran<Help Wanted>Notes Document
16:00 - 16:3010:00 (30)Break / Networking

16:30 - 17:2510:30 (55)

dHIDA: Decentralized Hyperledger Identity Developer Alliance

What Changes to Make, Where?

Andre Kudra

Dave McKay

Victor Golubkov
17:30 - 18:1011:30 (40)

Who is Going to Make the Changes and When?

Victor Golubkov

<Help Wanted>

18:15 - 19:0012:15 (45)Daily Wrap Up - Report from Sessions (Main Space)@Stephen Curran

Secondary Track:

Sessions will be added in parallel as offers to Facilitate/Present come up.

Time (CET)Start Time
TopicFacilitator(s)/PresenterZoom ManagerNotesVideo link
Day 1 - September 1, 2020
13:00 - 13:407:00 (40)Introduction and Welcome (Main Space)N/AN/A
13:45 - 14:557:45 (70)

Indy Technical Interoperability 101: Past, Present and Future + AMA

20200901 IIO - Indy Tech Interop 101.mp4

20200901 IIO - Indy Tech Interop 101.m4a

20200901 IIO - Indy Tech Interop 101-chat.txt

15:00 - 16:009:00 (60)

KERI and Indy Interoperability - Homework: KERI 101 Webinar

Robert MitwickiJuan Caballero (DIF/Spherity GmbH)
16:00 - 16:3010:00 (30)Break / Networking

16:30 - 17:2510:30 (55)

Getting DIDDocs on an Indy Ledger

<Help Wanted><Help Wanted>
17:30 - 17:5511:30 (25)<open>

<Help Wanted>
18:00 - 19:0012:00 (60)Daily Wrap Up - Report from Sessions (Main Space)

Day 2 - September 2, 2020

13:00 - 13:257:00 (25)Day 2 Introduction and Welcome (Main Space)

13:30 - 14:257:30 (55)

BBS+ & Indy, and a Better Credential Revocation Mechanism

Mike LodderVictor GolubkovJuan Caballero (DIF/Spherity GmbH)
13:30 - 14:257:30 (55)Interop Testing: The Aries Agent Test HarnessSheldon Regular<Help Wanted>Dave McKay
14:30 - 16:008:30 (90)

Up and Coming Indy Networks:

  • The Indicio Network
  • Bedrock
  • Findy
  • The IDunion Ledger - by the SSI for Germany consortia
  • DDTN - Dutch Digital Trust Network 

main incubator

ToIP UFWG Utility Project List

16:00-17:0010:00 (60)Hyperledger Ursa Meeting (regular project call here)Mike Lodder

16:00 - 16:3010:00 (30)Break / Networking

16:30 - 17:2510:30 (55)

A Vision for Interoperable Schema - Homework: Overlays Capture Architecture (OCA)

John Walker<Help Wanted>
16:30 - 17:2510:30 (55)Information sharing agreements and consent handling in SSI

Jan Lindquist

Lal Chandran

Lal Chandran

17:30 - 18:1011:30 (40)

Bring Us Your Use Cases (Discussion)

Sam Curren<Help Wanted><Help Wanted>
18:15 - 19:0012:15 (45)Daily Wrap Up - Report from Sessions (Main Space)

Roles and Rules