Our next Supply Chain - Trade Finance SIG general meeting will be held March 6th, 2025. 


  1. Welcome any new project ideas brought forward.

  1. Discuss the entry of a supply-chain related project into LFDT Labs. 

  1. A need to contact a supply chain expert(s) to review a proposed project (Labs) . 


Date: Thursday, March 6th, 2025

Time: 10:30pm IST / 6:00pm CET / 5:00pm GMT / 12:00pm EST / 9:00am PST

Meeting link: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.backup?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09

Zoom Meeting ID: 622 333 6701          Passcode: 475869