
List any announcements

Code & Projects

Hyperledger Fabric

  • Node SDK release v1.4.19 updates the dependency jsrsasign affected by a security vulnerability in RSA signature validation [CVE-2021-30246].

Articles, Training & Tutorials

  • Article, Training and Tutorial information and link


  • Upcoming event description with link to calendar item or event page

You can find more Hyperledger calls and other events listed on the community calendar.

This newsletter is sent out to hundreds of Hyperledger developers. It is a collaborative effort. If you have a project release, pull request, community event, and/or relevant article you would like highlighted next week, <a href="next newsletter"> please leave a comment </a>  for consideration.

  • @TBD add announcements, code & projects, articles, training & tutorials, events
  • Arun S M add noteworthy pull requests
  • Arun S M review code & projects
  • @TBD review code & projects
  • @TBD create the next newsletter and update the link