2022 Events : Plan & Schedule

  • 2022 Plan & actions  Discussion  - Action Item (Create separate page)
    • Hyperledger challenge(Hyperhack) 2022 - Q1 -Q3
    • Bootcamp/Workshops/Techfest - Q1-Q4
    • Blockchain success stories - Q4
    • Monthly Meetup
      • January - IIT Kanpur, Hyperledger Indy ( re-scheduled in march)
    • Student chapter society revamp - Involve pan India college 
      • Plan meeting with the current team next Thursday
      • Hitesh - Chandigarh University is interested to be part of this chapter
    • Women in Blockchain - 8th May '22
    • Year-End Blog. - 23rd Jan.
    • Volunteer program 2022 - add more (5-10) volunteers to run India chapter initiatives 
    • Hyperledger Global Forum 2022  - Representation of India chapter
      • Plan meeting - People presenting and participating in-person.
      • Community fair - Contents collection from India chapter community members (Template in question-answer form)