Solang project currently hosts a very basic Language Server for Solidity language. The aim of this mentorship is to make the language server much more complete, will make developing Solidity code using this language server will be a much greater developer experience.
Mentor and Mentee
Mentor: Sean Young
Timezone: BST
Discord: seanyoung
Mentee: Govardhan G D
Timezone: IST
Fork of official repository for this project: https://github.com/chioni16/solang
As part of this mentorship, the following features are planned to be added to the existing Language Server:
- Markdown formatting of hovers
- Do not require you to save the solidity file
- Drop diagnostics when closing solidity file with errors
- Go to definition
- Go to declaration
- Go to implementation
- Go to type definition
- Go to/find all references
- Format code
- Rename
- Code completion