Priority | MUST |
Type of change request | FEATURE |
Epic link | |
Status | DRAFT |
Target release |
What happened to existing iroha-cli?
The existing CLI tool for Iroha is built on C++ and uses legacy primitives. It was not updated a long time and it is considered relatively hard to maintain. It was decided to discontinue support of the existing CLI and archive its source code.
Functional details:
Environmental objectives: None
# | Change description | Affected component | Change motivation | Dependency (optional) |
1 | What is changed | Where it is changed | Why it is done | After #1 Before #1 etc. |
Research strategy
# | Research activity | Details | Acceptance criteria | Responsible (accepter) |
1 |
Documentation effort
# | Target reader | Documentation description |
1 |
QA activity
# | Validation activity | Intention | Actions | Expected result |
1 | Testing | Test component X and check if … | Given X, When Y AND When Y1 | Then Z OR Then Z1 |