Types of Data To Collect
- growth: both in terms of new interested individuals and conversion to contributor. data that reflects this dimension:
- the number of contributors to the code base (github PRs)
- the number of contributors to design discussions (discord)
- the number of contributors to requirements (github issues)
- diversity: no single organization keeps the project live. data that reflects this dimension:
- the number of organizations contributing to the code base (github PRs)
- retention: interesting/useful projects attract contributors, healthy projects retain them. data that reflects this dimension:
- active contributor longevity (github PRs, discord)
- maturity: I'm not able to properly articulate this one, maybe someone can help here?
- responsiveness: how long until proposed changes (code, design, bug reports, etc.) are given attention? data that reflects this dimension:
- time to resolve PRs and issues (github)
- time to respond to questions (discord)
- usefulness: is the project being adopted by customers and tire kickers? data that reflects this dimension:
- usage information provided by customers and developers
- number of questions from clients trying to use the code
- docker pulls
- release binary downloads
- tagged online resources: case studies, presentations, mentorship programs
- production-readiness: is the current code base coherent enough to be usable in a real-world scenario? data that reflects this dimension:
- release number (latest is 1.0.0 or later?)
- test coverage
- performance and reliability testing data
- user documentation
Sources/Means to Collect
github (contributors, code activities, PRs)
discord (engagement level, responsiveness)
information contributed by project maintainers and members (technology usage)