Identify a succinct and comprehensive mission statement
Decide whether to remain an ad hoc team or consider forming an HC-SIG subgroup
Old Business
HC-SIG Use Cases (Rich)
From last meeting, it was determined that we should develop and publish healthcare use cases. Rich will help to facilitate this. Wendy suggested that her access to academic white papers will likely have use cases that we might use to get started
Discussion: your thoughts on developing uses cases for HC-SIG? Volunteers to lead this effort?
Blockchain Governance (Rich)
Rich followed up with Hyperledger leadership, and it was noted that there is currently no blockchain governance group or activity in place that serves in a cross-cutting capacity (i.e., beyond the healthcare industry)
Discussion: should we continue to pursue this issue beyond the scope of the HC-SIG? Perhaps engage other SIGS in discussion on their interests?
New Business
Great New Blockchain Research Resource Available! (Rich, Wendy)