This weekly news digest is created by community members in the Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance Special Interest Group as a way to keep people up to date on the latest developments in this space. If you have news to share that you would like to let the group know about, please feel free to edit this wiki page or join one of the upcoming group meetings and share your news with other group members.
- Addressing Human Trafficking: A Milestone Collaboration by IOM - UN Migration and UNODC
- Supporting Conservation Startups in Latin America: A Call for Seed Capital
- Breaking Boundaries: ZETRIX Launches Pilot Project Revolutionizing Supply Chain Financing!
- Embracing Digital Trade: Unlocking New Frontiers in the EU
- Driving Progress: Global Water and Sanitation Partnership Scaling Support for SDGs
- Embracing Digital Trade: Unlocking New Frontiers in the EU
- Driving Change: Incentivizing Green Transition in ASEAN
- Empowering SMEs in Trade & Supply Chain Finance.
- Embrace the Digital Wave: Hong Kong's Opportunity in Global Trade