I. Welcome
Join Group https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/learning-materials-development-wg
Introduction to Learning Materials Working Group:
Antitrust Policy Antitrust Policy Notice
Introductions from people on the call:
II. EdX and Github Update / Discussion
- EdX Updates:
- GitHub Repository New https://github.com/hyperledger/learning-materials-dev
- Nathalie's / Ravi's Report
6. Community Blog Form
- Global Forum
You tube Channel Link
Organizer Meeting: June 2, 2020
Any existing Hyperledger meetup organizer, or anyone interested in becoming a Hyperledger meetup organizer, is welcome to attend these calls.
Meeting Details
- Day: (the first Friday of each month)
- Time: 16:00 UTC / 9 AM pacific (feel free to suggest alternate times)
- Dial-in: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
- Introductions
- Review of resources available for running virtual meetups
- Discussion of how we want to work together on virtual Hyperledger meetups
Weekly Schedule
Week of May 11, 2020
- Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 16:30 UTC / 11:30 CDT: Hyperledger Kansas City hosts "Timely & Relevant Blockchain Use Case: COVID-19 Test Results"
- Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at TBD: Hyperledger Toronto hosts "Hyperledger Sawtooth: Introduction and Overview with Duncan Johnson-Watt"
- Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 9:00 UTC / 19:00 AEST: Hyperledger Sydney hosts a talk with PeerSafe about their Hyperledger Fabric use cases
- Saturday, May 16 at 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST: Hyperledger Sweden hosts "Online Certification Study Circle"
Week of May 4, 2020
- Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 16:00 UTC / 18:00 CEST: Hyperledger Sweden hosts "How to Crack Hyperledger Certifications? with Darrell Flewell from Linux Foundation's Training team"
- Saturday, May 9 at 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST: Hyperledger Sweden hosts "Online Certification Study Circle"
den Meetup
4. Call for Speaker at consensys :
Consensus speaking (rolling deadline) https://airtable.com/shrgZo95do5Oeo55N
Hyperledger to submit speaking abstract for Marta. Would love to work on co presenter talks with any interested maintainers. Due by March 23.
** Call for speaker ETAL https://callforpapers.sandsmedia.com/?utm_source=Conforga%20-%20CFP&utm_campaign=c2808a0196-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_02_15_10_21_COPY_13&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_2c73fadd83-c2808a0196-41198201
- Monthly Meetup Organizer Planning Call for June
Weekly Schedule of Global Meetups
- Community Blog Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZRiNN7hryMWCqVECsdIqrlHjVCIyi6jk5nyrTp7wxnnV7Rg/viewform
- Marketing: Marketing collateral & presentations
IV. Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions) / Aneena
- Resource Page :
Hyperledger Labs- TSC - Need more organization from lab projects to see if they can fit with or other solutions Need more resources.
- USE Case Still working on online expo, need to collect the global forum presentations
- Video Library- Need volunteers to collect community videos and index on resources page , Still working on online expo, need to collect the global forum presentations
- Newsletter
Key Terms Hyperledger Glossary for marketing
VI Old Business
Develop a Task Force
VII. New Business
Presentation Covid Update
TSC Governing Document Management
Covid Update www.worldometers.info/coronavirus
VII. New Business
Presentation : CEO MyEarth.Id - Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) | GBA Europe Lead & UK President | Emerging Tech | Inclusion Advocate
VIII. Close:
Next Meeting May
18, 2020