Excerpt |
(7AM Los Angeles, 10AM New York, 3PM London, 4PM CET, 18H Moscow)
Recording: 20230329 Aries Working Group Call Recording.mp4 dummyfile.txt
Nessus Demo: 20230324 DIDCommv2 Nessus Demo.mp4 dummyfile.txt
Warren Gallagher wanted to see messages with their respective direction
Here an attempt for this Widget Connector
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- Aries Agent Test Harness --
- Aries Shared Components - Indy SDK replacements
- Indy Verifiable Date Registry - Ledger Interface
- Release 0.4.0 soon/this week(?) ( most recent)
- Release 0.5.0 will have breaking changes, including did:indy branch merged into main.
- Aries Askar secure storage -
- Release 0.2.8 soon/this week(?) ( most recent)
- AnonCreds Rust -
- Release 0.1.0 soon/this week(?) ( most recent)
- Shared Rust Library/CredX (AnonCreds) - being replaced by AnonCreds Rust
- Release 0.3.2 tagged
- Indy Verifiable Date Registry - Ledger Interface
- Frameworks:
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python, Meetings: ACA-Pug Meetings
- 0.8.0 released
- 0.8.1 pending – upgrade command needs immediate work – arrgghhh... Relevant to multi-use invitations – including mediators.
- New documentation site:
- Aries-Framework-JavaScript, Meetings: Framework JS Meetings
- Version 0.3.3 released -
- Version 0.4.0 in progress -
- Aries VCX (, Meetings: Aries-VCX Meetings
- Release 0.53.0
- Picos as Aries agents (
- Phil Windley has students working on a DIDComm v2 version of ACA-Pico
- Less active repos:
- Aries-Framework-Go (Troy) #aries-go (, Meetings: aries-framework-go)
- Aries-Framework-DotNet (
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python, Meetings: ACA-Pug Meetings
- Mobile:
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native, aka Aries Bifold, Meetings: Aries Bifold User Group Meetings
- Bifold Summit Happening now – Bifold Summit 2023
- BCGov has realeased an Aries Bifold version, rebranded w/ BC blue/theme/etc (BC wallet)
- Aries-MobileAgent-Xamarin aka Aries MAX (
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native, aka Aries Bifold, Meetings: Aries Bifold User Group Meetings
- aries-mediator-service – a DIDComm Mediator in a Box
- aries-endorser-server – an Indy Endorser in a Box (in development)
- Aries-Toolbox
- Ursa (,
- DID Peer 2/3 – processing approach – is this the plan:
- Identifiers:
- Long Identifier – as defined today, entire encoded DIDDoc in identifier
- Short identifier is the first 22(?) characters of 64 character string sha256 of long identifier (or something else?)
- On receipt of a did:peer:2<identifier>, process as follows:
- Detect length of identifier — short or long (assumption: long peer:did:2 will never be less than 23(?) bytes)
- If short - resolve DID locally to get DIDDoc - on success, exit
- If short and resolution failed — error, exit
- If long
- Convert long DID to short DID - resolve DID locally to get DIDDoc - on success, exit
- If long and short DID resolution failed
- Resolve long DID locally to get DIDDoc — on success, exit
- if both short and long DID resolution fails
- If on a “create DID” step (e.g. receiving DID Exchange “request” or “response” or DIDComm 2 new protocol step)
- Extract DIDDoc from long DID, store short DID and DIDDoc, get DIDDoc — on success, exit
- If on a “create DID” step (e.g. receiving DID Exchange “request” or “response” or DIDComm 2 new protocol step)
- Otherwise — error
- Identifiers:
Other Business
Future Topics