- Ideas for Future talks (please add suggestions with contact)
- GADI = Global Architecture of Decentralized ID
- EBSI and eIDAS, and integration into the open platform. More on this topic.
Discussions on Identity as seen by the state vs across regions and internationally and how that helps stitch together the blockchain infrastructures, in terms of trust, KYC etc.. Refer to FATF.
- Further on TOIP
- NIST 800-63: https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63-3.html Call For Comment https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/sp/800-63/4/draft
- ID2020: Why is it important? Financial and societal inclusion through Digital Identity and SDGs.
Deepak presented CanDID.
The key ideas are gathered together in slide 51. Given below.
Also the whole deck and the video should inform us of the solution, which is a combination of the various building blocks that have been created under IC3. They include DECO and Town Crier.
The Whole deck...
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