This week, five mentees wrapped up their mentorship projects and presented their work and inspiring stories of entering the open source community. Congratulations to the mentees and we welcome you as ongoing contributors!
- Zoe Krucky: Blueprint-like interface for Iroha Special Instructions
- Tzu-Shen Wang: Cactus-samples - Business Logic Plugins for Hyperledger Cactus
- Amit Chaudhari: Global Scouting of DLT / Blockchain Educational Opportunities
- Ayush Jalan: HL Burrow and HL Iroha extend existing Solidity VM integration
- Han Xu: HL Iroha and HL Cactus Integration
Of course their success would not be possible without their mentors' dedication and passion to mentor new community members. So a big shoutout to the mentors' contributions too!
Code & Projects
Noteworthy Pull Requests
Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger Labs
Articles, Training & Tutorials
- Find the information on creating a new Indy network
Hyperledger In-depth: An hour with Oracle: Enabling Tokenization Options on Hyperledger Fabric
- September 8 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PDT
- Register here
Hyperledger In-depth: An hour with Thales: Increasing Cybersecurity for Hyperledger Fabric
- September 15 @ 10 am - 11 am PDT
- Register here
Getting started building apps on FireFly and contributing to open-source
- September 2 @ 06:00 pm - 07:00 pm IST
- Join live
Upcoming Project Maintainer Calls
August 30
- Blockchain Automation Framework Contributors
- Cactus - Pair Programming Session
- Peer Programming Session for Carbon Accounting and Certification Working Group
- LMDWG Mentorship Contributor Calls
- Cactus Maintainers [5] - Planning Session
August 31
- Cactus - Pair Programming Session
- Besu Contributor Call EMEA/AMER
- Private Chaincode Lab
- Indy Contributors Call
September 1
- Fabric Contributor Meeting
- Ursa Biweekly Meeting
- Cactus - Pair Programming Session
- FireFly Weekly Community Call
- ACA-Pug Meetings
- Aries WG B Call
September 2
- Blockchain Automation Framework
- FireFly Developer Workshop | Getting started building apps on FireFly and contributing to Open Source
- Aries JavaScript Meeting
- Cactus - Pair Programming Session
- Fabric SDK Python Meeting
September 3
This newsletter is sent out to hundreds of Hyperledger developers. It is a collaborative effort. If you have a project release, pull request, community event, and/or relevant article you would like highlighted next week, please leave a comment for consideration.
- Helen Garneau add announcements, code & projects, articles, training & tutorials, events
- Arun S M add noteworthy pull requests
- Ry Jones add upcoming project maintainer calls
- Arun S M review code & projects
- Ry Jones review code & projects
- Helen Garneau create the next newsletter and update the link