GST Real Global Community
IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Chainyard today announced Trust Your Supplier (TYS), a new blockchain network that will improve supplier qualification, validation, onboarding and life cycle information management.
Industry: Real Estate and Digital Identity
Topics: Information and Communication Technology environment
Project(s): Hyperledger Fabric
Industry: Financial Services
Project(s): Hyperledger Fabric
Industry : Supply Chain
Projects: Hyperledger Sawtooth
Industry: Asset Settlement
Projects: Hyperledger Sawtooth
Projects: Hyperledger Sawtooth
Industry: Cross Border Payments
Projects: Hyperlrdger Fabric
In December there was a presentation at a Hyperledger Toronto meetup about using Hyperledger for a climate related use case involving smart power grids. That was recorded and you can see it at:
Digital Assets/ Identity Management
Financial Services /Trade Finance
Financial Services
The Studium platform focuses on facilitating interactions across a large number of participants to ensure enrichment of trade activities between the bank, regulators, central bank and their customers using the Oracle Hyperledger Blockchain platform.
Supply Chain
Trace and Manage
Hyperchain Labs builds and hosts blockchain solutions.
Video showing real-time IoT device integration with Fabric blockchain to manage tank trucking end-to-end automatically in the Oil Field Industry.
Includes Membership services and more
Public Sector
Claims Processing
Health Information
A Trade Finance solution.
Industry: Financial Services.
Topics: The Studium platform focuses on facilitating interactions across a large number of participants to ensure enrichment of trade activities between the bank, regulators, central bank and their customers using the Oracle Hyperledger Blockchain platform.
Project(s): Hyperledger Fabric.
- Sustainable mobility
- https://dlt.mobi/ - Tram Vo will speak at our August 31 meeting
- https://devpost.com/software/a-fysvau
New Trade Finance Use Cases:
Breandan S. McEnroe, CTO of TradeWindow will have a speech on "International Trade Future Self - Digital Twin.Covering Digital Twin, DID, Interoperability and the challenge for eBoL":
Hyperledger Capital Markets SIG presents Ashish Anand on Warehouse Receipt Finance Ashish is the CEO of Whrrl Whrrl won awards from DBS Bank, ETHDenver, Binance and others.
Supply Chain SIG presentation - July 22th at 12:00 EDT / 16:00 UTC
Location: Zoom JOIN: bit.ly/SupplyChainSIG
Certifying the compliance of vehicle components from design to production @ Renault
Hyperledger Member Webinar:
An Hour With SIMBA Chain Connecting Supplier and DoD Blockchains for Transparent Part Tracking
Read the Science Direct paper in advance of the webinar, it documents one of the very first production use cases in this space. Jointly produced by US Navy, Boeing, SIMBA Chain and ITAMCO. Connecting Supplier and DoD Blockchains for Transparent Part Tracking
July 28 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT
Registration required: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VgX7jro6QUmSAcMz2c27OQ
We look forward to hearing about what you are working on and seeing the support of #HyperledgerSupplyChain month.
Template For a Use Case:
Name :
Technology Used
Government and Democracy
Financial Inclusion
Philanthropy and Aid
Energy, Climate, and Environment