Tuesday 15th June
Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/6223336701?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09
Meeting ID: 622 333 6701
Passcode: 475869
Meeting Agenda
“Breaking the silos” Joint meeting by Hyperledger TF & CA SIGs on June 15th - 6pm CET
Opening of the meeting (Andrea Frosinini)
1st Slot - Introduction to this meeting and its purposes (Andrea Frosinini)
- The story so far
- The research on the Chinese Blockchain infrastructure
- The joint meeting between TF and CM > the beauty of ISO20022 (M. Reiche and A.Kamping;
- Introducing the paper “Breaking the silos” and its purpose (call to action)
2nd Slot - alfonsogovela@me.com(Chair of Hyperledger Latinoamerica Chapter & Hyperledger Learning Material SIG)
3rd Slot - reggianinire@gmail.com (member of Hyperledger Trade Finance & Capital Markets SIG)
- A short introduction to the research on BSN and China Blockchain infrastructure research (cross collaboration between TF and CM SIG)
4th Slot - mark@we-trade.com (CTO we.trade and member of Hyperledger Trade Finance SIG)
5th Slot - Si Chen (Hyperledger Climate Action & Accounting SIG)
- General comments
- Supply Chain Emissions Ledger
- Instruments for linking supply emissions with trade finance and capital markets
6th Slot - erik@cbsca.ca(Hyperledger Supply Chain SIG)
(*) Note:Erik Valiquette from CBSCA (Canada) will step in the discussion at the end of our speeches and give his personal experience and perspective for Hyperledger Supply Chain SIG.
Introduction (1 minute per person) (6 minutes)
Who they are?
What is their involvement with Hyperledger?
Manifesto Message (4 minutes)
Why 10 minutes
ask each panellist
How 10 minutes
ask each panellist
What 10 minutes
ask each panellist
Conclusion 10 minutes
asl each panellist
Q&A 10 minutes
Reference panellist