That the calendar on this wiki page is not currently working. You can find the calendars for the project or groups you are looking for by looking at the individual calendar attached to the mailing list for that project or group or by looking on the LF Decentralized Trust public calendar. Note that not all of the existing community calls from the Hyperledger community have been moved over to the LFDT calendar yet.
Add Meetings To Your Calendar
You can subscribe to the calendar of public meetings calendar by importing this .ICS file into your calendar.
For instructions on how to import .ICS files, check out these how to articles:
You can also download the calendar in iCal format.
How to Create/Delete Events in the New Calendar System
You must be a subscriber to the mailing list you wish to manage, as well as send email to for Moderator access to edit the calendar for that list.
Upcoming Community Calls
Following is a calendar of community meetings. Times are GMT – if you need help converting meeting times to another time zone try this Time Zone Converter.
Note: The .ICS file mentioned above is the canonical source of information about upcoming meetings. The web view of meetings below may potentially be out of date compared to the .ICS file informationThe LF Decentralized Trust community calendar can be found at:
Note that the Hyperledger community calendar on this wiki page is no longer in use since the active calls have been migrated to the LFDT calendar.