Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


TBD:  HL to provide background on the motive and strategy

Self hosted Runners

Current CircleCI runs on 6 hosts, each with non-trivial specs. Using the default runners provided by GitHub actions will not be viable.  Current experiment is using 4core16G hosts in AWS, half the power of what CircleCI uses. Runners were pretty easy to setup, I did not automate the host setup but took notes on what was required:

  • Started with a typical Besu canary configuration. 4 cores, 16G of ram, an NVME root partition of 25G and an added /data partition of 500G of SSD.  SSD likely not necessary in production. 6 of these were setup.
  • Added another host just like the above, but using a 4 core graviton cpu to allow for ARM based builds.  
  • Github actions may be implemented as docker containers, so need to make sure the user running the runner is a member of the docker group.
  • Frequently ran into docker related space issues, so docker was migrated onto the /data partition instead of using the root partition for everything.
  • Docker cleanup scripts were added to be run prior to each job, though probably not necessary after moving dockers home.
  • Installing the agent software was easy and well documented, it was installed as a unit controllable via systemd.

An example of an overall runtime can be seen here, it takes a little more than an hour as is. There is a lot of room for reducing that runtime:

  • Move to 8 core machines, for parity with CircleCI runners.
  • Parallelize unit testing the same way as acceptance, integration and reference tests.
  • Reconsider how often long acceptance tests need to be run.

Suggest further investigating the use of on-demand compute via something like this:

GHA Impressions

Porting over the functionality from CircleCI was tedious, but fairly straightforward. Current progress can be seen on in this pull requestfork. The design of small components combined with access to the runners via self-hosting (seldom necessary), made the development process pretty accessible. Being able to tie into the GitHub event stream allows for improved and simplified release processes that can be adopted incrementally.


Minimal changes were required to Gradle based build tasks, though the delegation to gradle for publishing and tagging complicates things.  Suggest removing those concerns from gradle. It makes sense for gradle to know how to produce artifacts like tarballs and docker images, but release related metadata should be managed externally.

The use of self-hosted runners should likely be avoided due to cost and security concerns.


File Permissions: Things File ownership and permissions get pretty convoluted when using any docker based action. Since they have no notion of the UID to run as, their output ends up being owned by root. This action was used to work around the problem.  , and it can be avoided all together by using Github hosted runners instead of self-hosted ones.

Test Splitting: A large portion of the time spent was to re-implement test splitting so many hosts can all run the tests in parallel. This is a feature supported by CircleCI, but the only GHA support for this function to be found is still in alpha. We are currently only dividing the number of tests evenly across runners, however there is another means of test splitting that warrants investigation: one based on the test timings available via a previous runs junit results.

Cost: While an in-depth cost analysis has not been done yet, suspect it will be a wash or possibly more expensivenearly free.  Full CI/CD pipeline was runnable on free tier Github hosted runners.

Planned CI/CD Design

Subdivide CI process into reusable phases, and defer long-running and expensive phases till as late and infrequently as possible, while still ensuring maximum potential quality checks.

On new PR open, draft or otherwise, the following phases can all be run, mostly in parallel and mostly on cheap, GitHub provided runners.


  • then validate javadocs- this depends on bytecode output.

actions would happen.

  • check for repo compliance via repolinter
  • check for source code formatting via spotless
  • check gradle tooling validation.


  • compile all code
    • then validate javadocs- this depends on bytecode output.
  • run unitTests
    • any test failures will be annotated on the PR.
    • tests will be sharded based on prior run in parallel.

This is referred to as the pre-review workflow, feel free to take a look at it in this fork, but overall it looks like this:

Image Added

It takes about 20 minutes, end to end, but if we can be smarter about splitting the unit tests we could easily cut that in half. 

Once the PR is approved, the following can be run in parallel.


  • run acceptanceTestsCliqueBFTrun integrationTests
  • run acceptanceTests
  • run referenceTests

Test results can then be posted back to the PR, and any failures would prevent merging . If all pass, then the following artifacts are created, unique to the commit for this workflow.

  • tarball created
  • zipfile created
  • docker images created

Should a release be decided on for this commit, the creation of a draft release would trigger:

  • publishing of prior created artifacts with the release name and an RC1 suffix.
  • creation of a release branch, should additions be necessary for an RC2.

When a release comes out of draft, and is approved:


into main.  You'll notice that the acceptanceTest phase no longer requires us to separate out private network tests.  We divide all these tests across 16 runners in parallel, and it completes in 17 minutes. You'll also find test results attached to the workflow run, and a summary of how each test shard performed. This is also the case for integration and reference tests as well.

Merging to Main

Merging to main or any release-* named branch should be denied until:

  • pre-review checks have passed on the merge result, and the PR has a pre-review  status.
  • PR has an approval from at least one project maintainer.
  • acceptance test checks have passed on the merge result, and the PR has an acceptance-tests status.
  • integration test checks have passed on the merge result, and the PR has an integration-tests status.
  • reference test checks have passed on the merge result, and the PR has a reference-tests status.

Once all these are confirmed, the PR may be merged, and all statuses should be transferred to the corresponding commit on the target branch. That commit would now be considered releasable. 

Planned Release Process Design

Current release process supports (and encourages) releasing directly from main, but does allow for the creation of release specific branches for hotfixes or interim releases which must not include what is currently on main.

When a github release is created (pre-release or otherwise) then the following artifacts are built, and attached to the release:

  • tarball - release description has the sha256 sum for this file appended to it.
  • zipfile - release description has the sha256 sum for this file appended to it.
  • docker images created and tagged.

All artifacts will have the version number specified in the created github release.

Example release can be seen here.

Outstanding issues, Suggested improvements

  1. Since we can now execute a release fully from Github, we need to secure and establish policy around how releases are created.
  2. HL has expressed an interest in using Github Packages for the storage and distribution of artifacts. This has not been implemented yet but poses no technical challenge.
  3. Building multi-arch docker images without requiring an arm based self-hosted runner.
  4. More optimal splitting of tests based on prior runtimes.
  5. Factoring out of tagging/version numbering. Things are way easier when we force the version number to be used to always be provided.
  6. TODO: Tivy scans/tests are not implemented yet
  7. TODO: Java jar publication to artifactory. Holding for feedback from users who require maven artifact resolution.
  8. TODO: how to recover stdout from various tests