- It could be useful to do some analytics on current Rocket.Chat use. Anecdotally SIGs, WGs and Chapters don't use chat much but we don't have specific data to review
- People have strong personal preferences for a specific tool – WhatsApp, WeChat and Discord are mentioned as preferences here. Groups "will adopt where community members feel most comfortable."
- Signing up to use a non-preferred tool is cited as a burden
- There was interest in having channels on various systems marked as official instead of only having channels on one system being considered official
- Discoverability of channels was a concern
HCSIG Chair:
"Hey not a major chat needed for this, but I believe the community would benefit a ton from a Discord server and full interactions there. It's a lot cleaner and friendlier to interact with communities on Discord."
But for most of WG/SIG, they will adopt where community members feel most comfortable ones. Those rarely have a dedicated infrastructure hosted by WG/SIG while WG volunteer is still willing to provide administrative service to keep this group compliant to LF code of ethic as much as possible. Than the official full-platform, they deserve to get a badge of "authorized" for its good-keep community chat quality than being the one official.
Note that this person also filled out answers to the questionnaire.
From a Hyperledger India Chapter lead: