- Web3j Updates -
- Bug Fixes -
- Maintainer status -
- Web3j Technical Charter - Review this doc
- Part of Hyperledger's transition to LF Decentralized Trust and it will improve the governance for the project
- Hyperledger Web3j Mentorship -
- Status of the ongoing progress.
- Shashank- tested web3j 4.12.0 with latest android 12, 13 and 14 -
- Fixed bug related to running web3j.
- Next task- Create blog post and add required changes for web3j readme and web3j docs.
- Harshit - Investigating android and web3j. Created basic web3j Dapp.
- Create a basic android Dapp with web3j → add wallet functionality, generate java wrappers, sending transaction, etc
- Major Issues to be discussed by the community.