- Antitrust Policy and introductions - VB duration-depends on participation
- Florence Hudson requests participation in IEEE:P2733 for Clinical IoT Data and Device Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety and Security (TIPPSS) - she will have a brief presentation for about 5 minutes on the topic.
- The main event is a talk by Kim Cameron- leader in Digital Identity and the author of the seven laws of Identity.
- Future talks (we are working with some of these folks on nailing down dates)
- A WEF Davos perspective & on biometrics standardisation (ISO 307) by D. Bachenheimer
- Guardianship - a Sovrin whitepaper
- Identity for IOT- Blockchain implications Bhawana Singh, JNU
- ID2020: What happened and why is it important Vipin Bharathan
- ravidilse - Privacy laws in India: new ruling. PDP
- Ongoing:
- Identity WG Implementer call - report -
- Meeting Notes 2020-01-30+Identity+WG+Implementers+Call Daniel Bluhm or Richard Esplin or anyone who was on the call
- A GitHub repo was created under Hyperledger for IDWG. A note needs to be prepared about governance and contribution.
- Discuss IDWG paper
- Kiva - current status.
- DCIWG Survey currently on line
- Implementing metrics from Chaoss... DCIWG- let us discuss.
- Identity WG Implementer call - report -
Kim Cameron
Florence Hudson
Mitch Parker
Dan Bachenheimer
Jan Scheufen
Jim Mason
William Harding
Amar Tumballi
Nitin Agarwal
Brian Ahier
Kerri Lemoie
Taylor Kendal
Ravi Agrawal
Sumit Kumar
Ron Kreutzer
Anti-trust Policy, code of conduct.
Florence Hudson -
Leading IEEE effort - want to work more together. Clinical IoT database interoperability -Trust Identity Privacy Protection Security. Mitch Parker and William Harding joining. Vice-Chairs. 230 humans, 22 countries, 6 continents. Industry, FTA, NIH, NCI, professors from different countries. In Trust and Identity space - we don't have a lot of Identity experts in our working group. Hoping some of the participants in the H Identity group would like to participate in the IEEE working group. DID, SSI, want to think at technical level - will create global standards working together with H, ISO, etc. Good opportunity to learn from each other and consider what types of standards are needed. Several subgroups related to Identity. Invitation to work together. https://standards.ieee.org/project/2733.html florence@fdhint.com or Florence.distefano.hudson@gmail.com
Kim Cameron -
Slide Deck this is a link to the uploaded pptx
Kim started sharing some ideas when he wrote the Laws of Identity in 2002. Knows a lot about the errors, based on work since the 1980s and Microsoft Passport Project. Attracted a lot of deserved criticism; tried teaching others such as Facebook and Amazon. The Laws of Identity started to inform what is necessary to create an identity system people would buy into.
Retired from Microsoft, trying to right side the internet. Others have devised things to meet their needs. This meets and misses needs of the population. Need to turn the internet around so individuals are central and can control their data. In particular, internet identity is a problem. Would like to help people in the Identity profession understand what is innovative. And what the opportunities with working with the current organizations can be. Don't make the same mistakes. Has been working with the Identity Professional Community:
What have we achieved so far as Identity Professionals?
We have streamlined and professionalized technology. Began as leaking hodge podge - we have been able to change a lot of that. Significant improvement. Transition from raw authentication to exchanges of claims. Before Identity we called everything attributes. In the pre-internet world there were fiefdoms - internet brought on different actors. We have enabled a reliable Identity dial tone for these services - interoperability. We increased the security of the internet, still needs in the decentralized network. Point is- you have done a lot but how have we failed?
Why have we failed to respond?
No one working for enterprises has been conscious of this - increase in relationships is gradual. Not a crisis in the short term. Crisis as it adds and turns from a quantitative thing to a qualitative thing. People have not been conscious to the problems - changes in perception happen such as social networks.
People working in the space need to lead change and inform others.
Issues like GDPR - massive change to systems to address something we should have been doing all along. Personal transformation is key.
Example - digital audio. Scientists understand sound as waves. We can sample periodically and have a digital representation of sound - a holistic digital equivalent. That makes possible - hundreds of millions of songs in digital form.
Phenomenon in sectors such as casinos and in banking.
Today, who has a deep understanding of Identity?
A lot of people are making things up. We all make up different things and call it the same things. Identity and all of its concepts. We should use the actual meanings of words instead of making them up. Dictionaries - the tool of tools is the Oxford English Dictionary. It provides comprehensive resources used by scholars and how words have been used over time.
People have been thinking about this for a long time.
We deal with Identity as Whoness:
If you put this together.
Privacy - the very fact that only what is contextually relevant is revealed in a Whoness. Profiling is the attempt by others to develop or project an aggregate of attributes to represent selfness as opposed to individual properties of the Who.
Has been no technology for the Self
To handle privacy - systems of Whoness need major renovation to be compatible with Self.
In the Selfness arena - weak. Primitive. Wallets are skewed to payment paradigm and are in need of evolution. Services - we have DIFHub and H agents - promising as becomes unified.
These slides are better understood by listening to Kim Cameron's presentation recorded for this meeting.
Q&A on video