Maintainer Orientation Calls
- Topics: ...Thursday, November 4 at 8:00 AM pacific:
- Dial-in: How to create a Hyperledger Lab, Incubation Project or Graduated Project and planning for the next Maintainer Summit
- Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/dFVO51rbGLU2jZzR6fv7Gq9j11tWTcWuzb9i_2LaVWnNdYBGvX70iumwdu6nysMg.tRTsl8kGfSqJKjTX
- Agenda: A review of recent changes to the Project Lifecycle process and discussion of how to start and propose labs and projects and discussion of what people would like to see in next Maintainer Summit
- Thursday, June 24 at 8:00 AM pacific: How to get more contributors for your Hyperledger project or lab
- Recording: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/download/attachments/54657383/24%20JUN%202021.mp4?api=v2
- Agenda: Discussion of main topic and then an AMA to address any questions from maintainers
- Resources:
- Review of recent design work on the wiki
- Updates to Cactus wiki page and using it as a template for other pages (compare to version of page before the design work)
- Updates to main wiki page to make content easier to digest and add dynamic content with recent activities embedded from https://start-here.hyperledger.org/
- Review of ways you can connect with potential contributors
- Raising the Profile of Your Hyperledger Lab (also relevant for Projects and we can create a Project specific version that would have a few changes in it)
- Review of recent design work on the wiki
- Recording: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/download/attachments/54657383/24%20JUN%202021.mp4?api=v2