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Page Properties
Project Title

Runtime-checked automated programming for chaincode development


titlementee application reviewcompleted

Primary Focus




Additional Information

Ask ChatGPT for papers which deal with using neural networks for generating Solidity code! No, really.

And ask it to write you an ERC-20 equivalent chaincode.

And ask it to introduce Fabric MSP-based ownership management.

(Try not to think of Asimov's robopsychology.)

It's not a coding wizard yet, but definitely uncanny.

Furthermore, we expect to experiment with Behavior-Driven Development; this means Gherkin/Cucumber.

Technology/approach for runtime verification ( will depend heavily on the results on the "constructive" side - we do not want to make a commitment on this at this point.

Learning Objectives

  • Hyperledger Fabric chaincode programming (if that's not already in the candidate's toolbox)
  • Experiment planning and evaluation
  • Working under guidance and collaborating using open-source tools
  • Analytic thinking - and also thinking a bit outside the box
