Excerpt |
Note: This call is Recorded. Recordings posted at the bottom of the page.
Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
- Aries Protocol Test Suite
- Progress in making it work with the LibVCX Dummy Cloud Agent (support for mediators).
- Ready for people to contribute additional tests.
- Aries-KMS
- Moving Indy Wallet crate into aries-ams / aries-kms (might change the repo name)
- cam's rust aries-kms (just old code in repo right now, once I add more to my RFC I will focus my attention to adding code here)
- Working on aries-kms RFC
- Verifiable Data Registry Interface library
- Ken's POC
- Other Core Libraries (pack / unpack)
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python ( - Latest is Release 0.3.5 on PyPi
- Aries-Framework-Go (Troy) #aries-go
- Weekly planning notes (2019-11-19).
- Working on mediator/routing, WebSocket transport, WASM, browser primitives, credential issuance.
- Mentioned last week on the B call
- 0.1.0 released (mentioned last week on the B call).
- Project description posted in README.
- You can play with the framework by running BDD tests or with the OpenAPI (swagger) interface.
- Next up: credential issuance (and continuing with W3C verifiable credentials), WebAssembly & WebSockets.
- Aries-SDK-Ruby (Jack)
- Updated to 0.0.6 at RubyGems
- Rails sample project using aries-sdk-ruby at
- Aries-Framework-DotNet (Tomislav)
- Aries-StaticAgent-Python - Now up to 0.6.1; more details
- Aries-Toolbox
- Moving repos to HyperLedger's Github Org.
- ACApy plugin for supported admin protocols.
- Aries-SDK-Python - Wrapper from JeromK and SBCA?
- Aries-SDK-Java
- Aries-SDK-JavaScript
- PR for moving Indy NodeJS wrapper repo has been merged into
- Repo is ready for contributors to start picking next tasks
- Need to rename existing repo - "aries-framework-javascript" to "aries-sdk-javascript" and create a new repo as "aries-framework-javascript"
- Also need to add following people as maintainers to both repos.
- Jakub Koci , Matt Raffel , Ajay Jadhav , Keith Smith
- Regular weekly zoom calls to be scheduled from this Friday. Will share the details on Rocket Chat.
- DIF people interested in implementing a Java Script library that might share some of the functionality of the Aries SDK. We need to keep that in mind.
- Rich Schemas and W3C Verifiable Credentials (Brent & Ken)
- Next HIPEs/RFCs for
- encoding
- mapping
- credential definition
- Node implementation of
- context (merged)
- schema PR in progress
- Migration from LibIndy
- Closing PRs related to Indy wrappers with pointers to Aries language libraries
- LibVCX support for some Aries protocols
- Ursa 0.3.0 release in November
- Updated BLS signature (multi-signatures, small-BLS)
- Compilation optimization for specific hardware
- Rest of predicates for Anoncreds 2.0 and delegatable credentials
- Crypto Service RFC, Robert Mitwicki
- Expose cryptographic services outside of the Agent (e.g. make available for document transfer services).
- Overlap Next steps with the RFC:
- Need to address overlap with Aries-KMS.
- Need to address key exposure post-compromise.
- Leverage message blinding. (Mike L can help)
- Include more use cases
- more specific details (PDF viewer . . . )
- concern that the process is driven outside the agent, instead of by the agent
- explain when the compromises in trust-shifting makes sense
- where is this useful, and where is this not recommended
- Progress on POCs for Core Libraries: Aries-KMS, Aries-VDRI