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Welcome and Opening Statements

Meeting recordings/transcript

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In attendance:

  • Rich Bloch
(recording)Jeff Stollman
  • Alan Bachmann
  • Brian
  • Doug Bulleit
  • jonathan
  • Kamlesh
  • Kenneth Jensen
  • Logan Wilding
  • Ken Allgood
  • Wendy Charles
    • Robert Coli, MD
    • Sahida Khatun
    • Saptarshi
    • Steven Elliott
    • Wendy Charles (recording)
    • Raveesh Dewan


    • If you’re new to the group, please…

      • Introduce yourself

      • Tell us where you're geographically located

      • Share with us your interests in healthcare in general, and blockchain technologies in specific

    Community Announcements

    • Feel free to share your community announcements as they relate to the Hyperledger community

    HC-SIG Subgroup Updates

    • Patient/Member Subgroup (Benjamin Djidi, Lead)

    No report (lead unavailable)Rich provided an overview of the subgroup: patient/payer/provider with a big focus on the Donor Milk Project. The group meets every two weeks and is looking for other new supply chain issues, so please contact Benjamin Djidl, if interested.

    • Payer Subgroup (Raveesh Dewan, Lead)

  • Some of the previous members are back and active now and we have already restarted the work on paper
  • There is a survey still open to collect the input
  • I am planning for a Physical event in the area to get more members and engagement - more details to come

    Raveesh Dewan provided an overview of the group He shared an update about the paper and he recognized individual contributors. He also described starting efforts on a use case, bringing in local leaders to discuss healthcare. He said he’ll be inviting the HC-SIG to participate in a prototype. The group meets every other Tuesday from 3 – 4 pm EDT.

    • Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup (Steven Elliott, Lead)

    Steven Elliot provided the group with an update that includes mention of the completion of their charter, and plans to work on an introductory email to go out to HC-SIG membership in the next couple of weeksan overview of the interoperability distributed ledger efforts. He said there wasn’t substantial progress since the last meeting. He described potential use cases, such as tracking immunization. He described needs for identity and consent management. Rich described adding information to the Wiki.

    HC-SIG Ad Hoc Team Updates

    • Wiki Redesign Team (Brian Ahier and Raveesh Dewan, Lead)

      • Work continues on our SIG site design

    No report (lead unavailable)Raveesh described his efforts to clean up the SIG space. Rich explained that the goal is to create a consistent approach across the SIGs. He said it’s been difficult because the organization is growing so fast.

    • Academic Research Team (Logan Wilding, Wendy Charles, Nisarg Amin, and Adrian Berg, Lead)

      • Excellent team meeting held on 04/12

      • Logan plans to generate a one-page summary of next stepsCurrently 's proposal to the team posted on 04/12, draft located here 
      • Original team whitepaper, currently in works, draft located here

    Logan and Wendy spoke on their plans to collaborate on the ART paper (Logan to produce a draft soon). Wendy has offered to provide some insight on setting up an academic resource page for the HC-SIG team wiki
      • Open team discussions remain:
        • Identify a succinct and comprehensive mission statement
        • Decide whether to remain an ad hoc team or consider forming an HC-SIG subgroup

    Rich explained the role of academia and generating information in peer-reviewed journals. He shared that there was a good meeting about a week ago. Logan Wilding asked for feedback about his recent proposal to engage academic medical centers in applying blockchain to healthcare. He explained the importance of focusing on financial impact and evidence-based practice. Rich invited individuals to participate by letting him know by email or RocketChat. He praised the excellent resources in the group and said this may become a subgroup.

    Old Business

    • Hyperledger Quarterly SIG Report due 04/15 (Rich)

      Subgroup and team leads need to generate a summary of their work over this past quarter (Q12019)
    • HIMSS 2019 Conference Report (All)

      • Discussion: for those who attended, your thoughts?

          • Healthcare Use Cases (Rich)
            • Discussion: do we need a team/subgroup to develop healthcare use cases?
          • Blockchain Governance (Rich)
            • Discussion: do we need a team/subgroup to think about the governance of healthcare blockchain technology solutions?
    For healthcare use cases, it
      • 2019-Q1 Quarterly Report completed, and available here

      • Special thanks to our HC-SIG Subgroup leads for helping to generate this report: Steven, Raveesh, and Benjamin

    Rich said the quarterly Hyperledger Report was submitted on time. He recognized the efforts of the individuals who contributed to the report.

    • HC-SIG Use Cases (Rich)
      • From last meeting, it was determined that we should develop and publish healthcare use cases. Rich will help to facilitate this. Wendy suggested that her access to academic white papers will likely have use cases that we might use to get started

    For the blockchain governance conversation, Ken and Steven both noted that this issue isn't necessarily scoped to the healthcare industry. Good discussion on this point. Rich took the action to contact Hyperledger leadership to understand what group(s) are discussing this topic, and how to collaborate

    New Business

    • David Houlding, CISSP, CIPP and Principal Healthcare Lead at Microsoft Corporation will be reprising his presentation given at the Blockchain Symposium at the HIMSS 2019 Conference earlier this year
      • Discussion: your thoughts on developing uses cases for HC-SIG? Volunteers to lead this effort?

    Rich noted that the HC-SIG doesn’t have use cases documented. This issue arose during the HIMSS Conference. He asked for feedback about developing use cases. Wendy Charles offered to lead this compilation. There was discussion about what the use cases should involve. Brian Bentow offered that it may be valuable to include the FHIR specification across many use cases. As a concern, Rich noted that if we presented only 10 use cases, the recipient would not think beyond these 10. As a benefit, however, use cases would inspire more understanding of blockchain applications. Jonathan Holt noted that use cases are really like case studies where the details are explained. He offered the example of vaccinations and encouraged individuals to considerer IEEE standards. Bob Coli noted that there was a separate email from Benjamin Djidl, but Rich clarified that Benjamin had requested use cases for a different project. Rich concluded this topic by stating that he’ll schedule a separate call to discuss direction.

    • Blockchain Governance (Rich)
      • Rich followed up with Hyperledger leadership, and it was noted that there is currently no blockchain governance group or activity in place that serves in a cross-cutting capacity (i.e., beyond the healthcare industry)
      • Discussion: should we continue to pursue this issue beyond the scope of the HC-SIG? Perhaps engage other SIGS in discussion on their interests?

    Rich noted that this was another area of interest at the HIMSS Conference. He said that he reached out within Hyperledger community leadership to learn about governance and found that there is no blockchain governance that serves in a cross-cutting capacity. He explained that as blockchain is gaining more acceptance, there are questions about governance best practices. Rich recommended a separate governance working group with a more lateral view. He asked for volunteers.

    New Business

    Wendy Charles described the background of her efforts and how she designed the listing of academic publications. She offered to update the list monthly. Rich explained the difficulty of uploading a Word document. Raveesh suggested converting to different formats. Wendy and Raveesh will connect offline.

    Rich explained that there are new exciting healthcare challenges posed by the Robert Wood Johnson. He provided links in the Wiki.

    • Upcoming HC-SIG Presentations (Rich)

    Brian Bentow introduced himself and explained his role at InstaMed. He described his open source efforts on Hyperledger Fabric and how these are intended to address inefficiencies and cost of payment systems. He described it as Clearinghouse 2.0. This system supports a much broader data exchange with consideration of interoperability. He will present at the next HC-SIG meeting.

    • Open Discussions (Rich)

      • Discussion: your thoughts on changes you'd like to see with the HC-SIG?

    Next Meeting

    • Scheduled for Friday, 2019.0405.0503, 0700 Pacific Time

    • Discussion: topics to add to agenda?



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    Hyperledger class: Blockchain for Business - An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies

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