Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94626752608?pwd=K0t4N3VqRzlscTNYajlxMHNPM08yQT09
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(6AM Los Angeles, 9AM New York, 2PM London, 3PM CET, 17H Moscow)
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- Lance Byrd (RootsID) <lance.byrd@rootsid.com>
- Hakan Yildiz
- Rodolfo Miranda
- Alex Andrei
Welcome / Introductions
- Aries Agent Test Harness (https://aries-interop.info)
- Aries Askar secure storage - https://github.com/bcgov/aries-askar
- Frameworks:
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python, Meetings: ACA-Pug Meetings)
- Aries-Framework-JavaScript (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript, Meetings: Framework JS Meetings)
- Aries-Framework-Go (Troy) #aries-go (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go, Meetings: aries-framework-go)
- Aries VCX (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx)
- Aries-Framework-DotNet (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-dotnet)
- Picos as Aries agents (https://github.com/Picolab/aries-cloudagent-pico)
- Mobile:
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native, aka Aries Bifold (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native, Meetings: Aries Bifold User Group Meetings)
- Aries-MobileAgent-Xamarin aka Aries MAX (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobileagent-xamarin)
- aries-mediator-service – a DIDComm Mediator in a Box
- working on Pickup support
- Aries-Toolbox
- Aries-SDK-Java
- Ursa (https://www.hyperledger.org/use/hyperledger-ursa, https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa)
Discussion Topics
- Introduction
- Status Updates
- Hakan -
- Backwards compatibility between v1 and v2
- Connections using v2? Non-Aries and Aries agent compatibility.
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/main/features/0160-connection-protocol/README.md
- If Aries is mandating connections, how do we reconcile the v2 spec which has no concept of connections?
- If issuance is tied to connections
- We'd like to engage ACA-py, AFJ, Aries Framework Go, and DIF to work through these inconsistencies
rfc 160https://docs.google.com/document/d/1piGZ-0FW9DWEFRetviV1Vjxv7DDkIFQDWUs38VGqZ-Y/edit#
- Hakan -
- IIW Recap
- JFF DIDComm v2 track
- key agreement and encryption problems, preventing interop
- DIDComm v2 demos
- DIDComm v2 interop
- GoDIDdy
- key agreement embedded in the DIDDoc
- dependent on DID method implementation for getting this necessary information
- did:peer provides this
- did:web does not
- dependent on DID method implementation for getting this necessary information
- key agreement embedded in the DIDDoc
- JFF DIDComm v2 track
- DIDCommV2 survey
- profiles managed and discovered
- interoperability fail points
Other Business
Future Topics
Action items
Call Recording
Attachments |