- DID Specification reaches the end of the CCG phase. What's the status? Is a WG next? - Drummond Reed and maybe Markus Sabadello Brent Zundel
- Namespacing options for DIDComm Protocols and Message Types Troy Ronda - Troy Ronda
- How to best talk about Aries interoperability, especially at public forums like IIW?
- DID-Exchange vs. Connections - aries-rfcs#214 - undo the change?
Note: This call
WAS NOT Recorded.
(12PM Los Angeles, 3PM New York, Tuesday at 5AM Sydney)
Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy . If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
- Name (Organization) <email>
- John Callahan (Veridium) <jcallahan@veridiumid.com>
- George Aristy (SecureKey) <george.aristy@securekey.com>
- Sam Smith (ProSapien) <sam@samuelsmith.org>
- Troy Ronda (SecureKey) <troy.ronda@securekey.com>
- Moushmi Banerjee (Nutanix) <moushmi.banerjee@nutanix.com>
- Karl Kneis (IdRamp) - kkneis@idramp.com
- Eric Vinton (IdRamp) - evinton@idramp.com
- Tomislav Markovski (Streetcred ID) <tomislav@streetcred.id>
- Drummond Reed (Evernym & Sovrin Foundation) <drummond.reed@evernym.com>
- Ken Ebert (Sovrin Foundation) <ken@sovrin.org>
- @Nader Helmy (Mattr) <nader.helmy@mattr.global>
- Markus Sabadello (Danube Tech) <markus@danubetech.com>
- Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs) <smccown@anonyome.com>
Welcome / Introductions
- Aries Workshop/Connectathon December 3-5 in Provo, Utah (details to follow)
- SSI Incubator kickoff (San Francisco, Sep 17) : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-state-of-decentralized-identity-tickets-66369592237
- IIW - Oct 1 - 3
- Hyperledger Maintainer Summit in Minneapolis (October 8-10)
- GBA’s Fall 2019 Symposium: The Future of Money, Governance, & the Law : John Callahan will be speaking about Hyperledger Aries, Sovrin, DIF in the IDM session (Sunday 15 Sept)
- Other Announcements
Related Meetings Review
- Morning Aries Call - Ursa -Discussion of multiple Proof format handling in Aries; Concrete proposals for moving parts of indy-sdk to aries-sdk - suggestion is wallet code
- Ursa - off-week - lead up to release happening - release pipeline so that indy can use it.
- Indy Contributors -
- Implementers Identity Implementer Call - Tomorrow 8AM Pacific
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python (bc.gov) - Release 0.3.2 has been tagged and is on PyPi
- Support for RFC 0036 and RFC 0037 Credential Exchange protocols, 0.1 version of those protocols deprecated
- Working on next release, particularly on revocation support.
- Aries-Framework-Go (Troy)
- First milestone: Framework Go v0.1.0
- Weekly planning notes
- Aries-SDK-Ruby (Jack)
- Released as a Gem (0.0.3) due to Rails 6 issues
- Developed docker image with Rails 6 (Ruby 2.5.1) with Indy-SDK to test Aries-SDK-Ruby via Dokku deployment
- Needed for exploring concurrency and compatibility issues with Sidekiq, Resque, SuckerPunch, etc.
- Aries-Framework-DotNet (Tomislav)
- Moved from StreetCred to Aries: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-dotnet
- Aries-StaticAgent-Python - Release 0.4.0
- Move from Pysodium → PyNacl
- Improved module interface and routing.
- Aries-SDK-Python - Wrapper from JeromK and SBCA?
- Aries-SDK-Java (Moushmi)
- Aries-SDK subchannel / discussion aries-sdk-java
- Aries-SDK-JavaScript
- Indy SDK - Bugfix release last Friday.
- People are collaborating in the repo.
- Indy
- Ursa
- Working on release of 0.2.0 (September / October)
- ZKP / ZKLang improvements
- Debian packages
- Refactor internal plumbing for anoncreds 2.0, shouldn't impact external interfaces
- Refactor multi-signature BLS in addition to aggregated signature
- Sovrin Foundation is looking to build a Indy specific Ursa, with ZKPs. Other Aries clients would build a different Ursa
- Working on release of 0.2.0 (September / October)
- The DID Spec (and DID Resolution Spec) at the end of the CCG. What is it? What's in? What's been left for the WG (if any)? What's next?
- Changing the namespacing identifier for DIDComm Protocols from did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg to something else. aries-rfc#129. Options - did:aries, https, did:git, did:repogithub
- How to best talk about Aries interoperability, especially at public forums like IIW?
- DID-Exchange vs. Connections - aries-rfcs#214 - undo the change?
- Open Discussion
Next Week
Future Topics
- DIF Interop Project - Who?
- BSP RFC Presentation/Overview - Sept. 18, 2019 - John Callahan
- RFCs Moving forward - Make your case
- DKMS status
- Aries community DID status
- Signature Envelope (Kyle)
Action items
Call Recording