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The SI-SIG community continues to grow its membership, attract new members, and develop new activities. The group has a consistent meeting cadence that takes place every two weeks and agendas and meeting notes are well maintained and shared to the community. Overall, meeting attendance has been healthy and it is noted that meeting topics and/or special guest speakers drive attendance numbers and diversity. The community membership, measured through the email list membership, has been increasing with total membership currently at 141 151 members. Over the next quarter, we will maintain a regular cadence for SI-SIG meetings and build-out workstream activities/projects.


Membership and activity across continue to grow. Membership is currently at 141 151 members. Our chat channel, # social-impact-sig (, is seeing activity, but it is not as active as we’d like it to be just yet. There were quite a few structural changes recently with the community assets migration, so we are working to make sure members are aware of how to get to, and use, the new tools.

Over the past quarter, the SI-SIG completed two essential activities; developing a community survey and electing a new Chair. The community survey, initiated in July, focused on determining the activities that the greater SI-SIG community identifies as areas of interest to support and to build out community eminence. The survey results will be used to drive activities across the SI-SIG community over the next year. As per the results of the community survey, we have developed workstream groups (Whitepaper, Use Case and Best Practices, and Community Liaisons) to facilitate community interactions. The workstream groups have a membership community and we will be identifying workstream leaders as projects are identified and take-off. Another point of activity, was the Chair elections that were initiated and processed over the past quarter. In early September, the new Chair Nancy Min was announced and a smooth transition process ensued, made possible by the Hyperledger POC Karen Ottoni.

Activities across the community of merit include the following:

  • Hyperledger Hackathon team that was supported by Hyperledger to attend the “Scaling Impact for the SDGs Hackathon” that took place in New York City between September 21-22. The team (Lindsay Nuon, Matt Steele, James Waugh, and Alejandro Pinto) took home three awards: (1) first place and (2) second place awards.
  • The SI-SIG supported two applications (submissions by Lindsay Nuon and Jim Cupples) to the Hyperledger Global Forum Call for Proposal that will be held March 3-6, 2020.

Planned Work Products

The State of the Social Impact Ecosystem: Whats new and noteworthy in the Hyperledger Greenhouse” – submitted by Lindsay Nuon to the Hyperledger Global Forum Call for Proposals

“Meet the Data: the People in our Blockchain Applications" – submitted by Jim Cupples to the Hyperledger Global Forum Call for Proposals

State of Social Impact in Blockchain – Project in the Use Cases and Best Practices Workstream

Social Impact Quarterly Pulse Surveys – Due to the success of the SI-SIG community survey that is being used to drive the activities of the SIG, we will develop and send out pulse surveys to ensure that our activities align to the ever-changing needs of social impact.

SI-SIG hosted a variety of community presentations including:

  • Jim Cupples from All the Farms
  • Aiden Slavin from Sovrin Foundation
  • Paul Lamb from Man on a Mission Consulting
  • Andre Sale Alego from Blockforce
  • Virginia Cram-martos from Triangularity

Planned Work Products

SI-SIG General Meetings will continue to be held regularly and we are already seeing a bump up in attendance and, with our new meeting time, a stronger set agenda, and the formation of our subgroups with specific deliverables, we feel confident that the group will continue to grow.

Community Engagement with academic, research, and industry is what drives the largest impact for the development and implementation of solutions that drive a positive social impact. The SIG intends to grow in this area to better engage the broader social impact community.

Participant Diversity

This is a very diverse membership with global representation (including, but not limited to, member participation from Switzerland, East Timor, the US and India). The majority of membership represents social impact/NGO entities, though we also see larger enterprise participation. There is also a good mix of gender representation in the group.
