DIF DIDComm Spec Working Group
Rolling Agenda: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm/blob/main/agenda.md
Current Agenda: https://hackmd.io/pUsOUZa8QHKJTSgf5O6HfQ?both
RFC Repository: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-messaging
Meeting every 1st Monday of the month
6 Jan 2025: https://hackmd.io/pUsOUZa8QHKJTSgf5O6HfQ?view#Meeting---6-January-2025---1500-ET
Hackathon 2024: review findings and make updates
Sessions: add sessions to DIDComm connections
TSP: evaluate how DIDComm can feed into / support the ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol
did:webvh: new DID Method and relation to DIDComm (including a to be proposed 'did:scid'; stands for self-certifying identifier)
DIF DIDComm Users Group
Meeting notes: https://hackmd.io/UYFfUX53QIGCFonPjDbFUQ?view
Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/900385725462229022/911224279885033533
Tested DIDComm V2 features
Demo doesn't support JWK. A couple of the participants only use JWK (Mediator also doesn't support JWK)
DID Core Spec states that IDs must be a full URI. did:peer:4 states that they can be relative. This contradicts with the DID Core Spec
DIF DID WebVH Working Group
Next version of the specification for publication
Pre-rotation change is made
Witness proofs in a separate file.
DIF Steering Committee approved the creation of an IoT Special Interest Group
Participating in the IoT SIG does not require being a member of DIF so anyone who is interested is welcome
Sign up for the mailing list: https://lists.identity.foundation/g/IoT-SIG
14 February Meeting
Discussion of IoT SIG Potential Work Items
W3C Standard
Community Credentials Group