4.4.1 Description of Environment (brief)
4.4.2 Use Case
Primary Actor<
Supporting Actors<
Use Case: Name <Enter Use Case name here>
The use case should be labeled so that it immediately describes the purpose of the use case. Usually, VERB/NOUN is sufficient.
Description<Enter description here>
Briefly describe this use case:
High Level Summary
Low level Summary
Primary Actor<List the Primary actor here>
List the Actor who’s goal is being satisfied by this Use Case and has the primary interest in the outcome of this Use Case. Identify who the main individuals and systems involved in the use case are going to be. Any actor that is used in the use case’s flow of events must be named up front.
Supporting Actors<List supporting actors here>
<List the Actors who have a supporting role in helping the Primary Actor achieve his or her goal.
Stakeholders and Interests
Special Requirements
4.4.3 Recommendations
- Identity, Interactions, Regulations and Governance
4.4.1 Description of Environment
Assessing the Potential to Improve Grants Management Using Blockchain Technology
June 2019
Topics: Government Agency Operations, Grants Management, Computer Methodologies, Distributed Ledger/Blockchain
Jasmine A. Faubert, The MITRE Corporation
Tracey G. Amos, The MITRE Corporation
Bianca N. Piccione, The MITRE Corporation
MITRE’s study results support the hypothesis that improvements in grants management for both federal agencies and grant recipients can be enabled through the use of blockchain technology. The primary benefit to federal agencies was improved decision making through improved transparency, quality, and timeliness of grant financial and performance information. The primary benefit to grant recipients was reducing redundant reporting to multiple grantmaking entities and auditors. Payment efficiency was a secondary benefit.