(Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/97540031823?pwd=dEJrRW1LakFlWnZPelI3VGxoVjg2dz09)
- Release updates
- Release process in general, plan for diversifying who can make a release.(Justin Florentine )
- How many maintainers required to sign off on a release?
- GAR-E - what does it still need to reduce friction?
- What role (if any) does CircleCI have in releasing?
- Changelog discussion (compile changelog from commits, creating an issue for each PR, release notes etc.)
- Release process in general, plan for diversifying who can make a release.(Justin Florentine )
- Work Updates
- Static code analysis (Justin Florentine)
- Example output here: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=hyperledger-cicd_besu
- How do we know when we should turn on build gating?
- Matrix/Rocketchat discussion
- asking the community (Grace Hartley (Deactivated))
- Fill the survey when is coming out
- Ongoing Vert.x upgrade Justin Florentine
- Discussion of the Ethereum Foundation announcement
- Static code analysis (Justin Florentine)
- Other Business
- Open Forum
- Design process proposal for further modularization:
- transaction pooling and block building is a hot topic lately. Justin Florentinewould like to start a design for factoring out block building much like we did with the EVM. What design artifacts should we produce (if any) prior to submitting PRs?
- Inactivity clause for moving maintainers to emeritus status - the current guide says a quarter of inactivity. Do we want to extend that? 6 months? Longer?
> A general measure of inactivity will be no commits or code review comments for one reporting quarter, although this will not be strictly enforced if the maintainer expresses a reasonable intent to continue contributing.
- Design process proposal for further modularization:
- Future Topics
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