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Self Introduction 自我介绍

I‘m currently working as a system architect in Shanghai VoneChain Information Technology Co., LTD. I started my journey of blockchain in May 2020. In August 2020, I joined the Hyperledger TWGC (China technical working Group) to participate in the research and promotion of Fabric project supporting national cryptography, and then served as the deputy leader of the national cryptography team to assist in chairing and promoting the development of Fabric national cryptography. In the open source spirit of "all for one and one for all", I have learned and absorbed a lot of knowledge and skills from the open source community, and also fed back my research results to the open source community. In October 2020, the nationalized (supporting national cryptography) version of Fabric V2.2.0 was submitted to Github for open source and open source link address: VoneChain-CS (VoneChain) · GitHub
本人目前在上海旺链信息科技有限公司担任系统架构师,从2020年5月份开始区块链之旅,2020年8月份加入超级账本中国技术工作组,参与Fabric国密项目的研究和推进工作,随后担任国密组副组长,协助主持和推进Fabric国密改造工作。本着“人人为我,我为人人”的开源精神,我从开源社区学习吸收了很多知识和技能,同时也将研究成果反馈到了开源社区中。2020年10月份,将Fabric V2.2.0的国密化改造版本提交到Github进行开源,开源地址:VoneChain-CS (VoneChain) · GitHub

In the past three years of open source work, I mainly promote open source work from the following two aspects:

  • Code contributions:From May 2020 to the end of 2022, I mainly participate in the development contribution of java-gm project and GM-interoperability project of national cryptography interoperability. I submit code almost every quarter, which is displayed in the annual China Contribution list published by Hyperledger WeChat Official Account. Here is the link to Hyperledger's annual China Contribution List for 2020-2022:

        《Hyperledger 2020 China Contribution List
        《Hyperledger 2021 China Contribution List
        《Hyperledger 2022 China Contribution List

  • 代码贡献:从2020年5月份至2022年末,主要参与java-gm项目和国密互操作项目GM-interoperability的开发贡献,基本每个季度都有提交代码,在超级账本微信公众号发布的年度中国贡献榜都有展示。以下是超级账本发布的2020年-2022年年度中国贡献榜链接: 


  • Conference presentation:Actively participate in Hyperledger's member summits, technical summits, seminars and other meetings, share the application practices of Hyperledger Fabric, and promote the blockchain platform and tools under Hyperledger. The following is the information of the meetings I mainly attended:
  • 会议宣讲:积极参加超级账本组织的会员峰会、技术峰会、研讨会等会议,分享超级账本Fabric的应用实践,推广超级账本旗下的区块链平台和工具。以下是本人主要参加的会议信息:


          (1) On July 31, 2021, I attended the GOTC(Global Openssource Technology Conference) co-sponsored by OPENATOM Foundation, Linux Foundation and OSCHINA, and delivered a speech on the topic of "Sharing National Cryptography Support of VoneBaaS".

      (2) On October 26, 2021, I attend the Hyperledger Member Summit to share our practical experience based on Hyperledger Fabric and promote the development and application of Fabric.

   (3) On January 13, 2022, I participated in the first online seminar of Hyperledger 2022, and delivered the keynote speech "The Practice of VoneBaaS platform in bank blockchain Project".
(3)2022年1月13日参加超级账本2022第一期在线研讨会,主题演讲《VoneBaaS 平台在银行区块链项目中的实战》;

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Why elect me? 为什么选我

TWGC is a bridge between the global Hyperledger community and the Chinese community of technology users and contributors. After 3 years of open source community participation, especially as the deputy leader of the National Cryptography Team of Hyperledger TWGC to assist in chairing and promoting the development of Fabric national cryptography project, I have a deep understanding of the open source community management, operation and promotion of matters, and I am very clear about the mission of Hyperledger TWGC. Therefore, I participate in the TWGC leader election, hoping to build a better bridge with the international community through my own efforts, and more actively cultivate the Hyperledger developer community in China.


No matter this campaign is successful or not, my open source work will continue, mainly including the following four aspects:

  • Code Contributions: keep participating in the development of open source projects and make code contributions. In 2023, I will mainly participate in the development of the fabric-admin-sdk project.
  • Conference presentation: keep participating in Hyperledger meetings and publicize the work results of the TWGC through the meetings.
  • Translation: participate in the translation work of the TWGC to quickly transfer the latest news and knowledge of the international community to the Chinese community.
  • OpenSource Promotion: promote the concept of open source and recruit more open source enthusiasts to join the community for common development and progress. By the way, here is a invitation (link) for TWGC fabric-admin-sdk project, welcome more people to participate in the fabric-admin-sdk project.


  • 代码贡献:继续参与开源项目的开发,进行代码贡献,2023年主要参与fabric-admin-sdk项目的开发工作;
  • 会议宣讲:积极参与超级账本组织的各项会议,并通过会议宣传中国技术工作组的工作成果;
  • 翻译布道:参与中国技术工作组的翻译工作,将国际社区最新的消息和知识快速传达到中国社区中;
  • 开源推广:推广开源理念,招募更多开源爱好者加入社区,共同发展,一起进步。顺便发一个【邀请函】参与超级账本 TWGC fabric-admin-sdk 工作组,希望更多的朋友一起参与fabric-admin-sdk项目。